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Category: Uncategorized

Less is More: Christmas Trees for Small Spaces

December 11, 2013

Man, this Holiday season is ticking right along, isn’t it? I’ve made a decent dent in my Christmas shopping but still have a ways to go, how about you? Things looked pretty festive this week with a fresh dusting of snow too. Not enough for a snow day or driving headaches, just enough to make everything look magical! Brad and I are sticklers for a freshly cut tree in our house but I know not everyone has the space for a full grown Christmas tree. When the kiddos were toddlers, we chose smaller tabletop versions of Herr Tannenbaum (to keep little hands from pulling down ornaments) and I really loved how easily they fit into our home decor. Presents actually displayed better too, piled under the table, so I thought I’d share a variety of petite trees perfect for spaces large or small:

Holiday styling. Photo by Petra Bindel.Petra Bindel

Mer MagMer Mag

via Design MomDesign Mom

Cardboard ChristmasCardboard Christmas

Les Tissus ColbertLes Tissus Colbert

Dreamy WhitesDreamy Whites

Cute, right? We have a mini tree for the kids set up on our dining room credenza this year (to avoid any arguments as to who’s bedroom it should belong in!) and it’s full of bright baubles and handmade trinkets that they’ve made over the years. They love it (I do too!) and are always rearranging the snow globes and other decorations underneath. Hope you’re having a great week so far!

Clean + Simple: Scandinavian Christmas Style

December 9, 2013

With so much hustle + bustle over the past few weeks (well, months really!), I’m feeling the need to simplify more than a few areas in my life. The New Year is always the perfect time to clean off the slate and start fresh and I just bought myself a shiny new planner to get the ball rolling. There’s a lot to be said for online calendars and apps but between juggling kids and shop life, I really just need to write things down. Speaking of clean + simple, this Scandinavian home and it’s understated take on Christmas was like a breath of fresh air amidst the glitter + glam of all things Holiday currently circling the web. While I’m loving my amped up dose of colour this year, there’s a lot to be said for the calming neutrals of this family home:

Birch + Bird: Scandinavian Christmas on Lantliv. Photo by Magdalena Björnsdotter.Lantliv. Photo by Magdalena Björnsdotter.

Birch + Bird: Scandinavian Christmas on Lantliv. Photo by Magdalena Björnsdotter.

Birch + Bird: Scandinavian Christmas on Lantliv. Photo by Magdalena Björnsdotter.Lantliv. Photo by Magdalena Björnsdotter.

Birch + Bird: Scandinavian Christmas on Lantliv. Photo by Magdalena Björnsdotter.
Birch + Bird: Scandinavian Christmas on Lantliv. Photo by Magdalena Björnsdotter.

Birch + Bird: Scandinavian Christmas on Lantliv. Photo by Magdalena Björnsdotter.Lantliv. Photo by Magdalena Björnsdotter.

Relaxing, isn’t it? And I don’t think anything could be cozier than sipping hot cocoa next to that kitchen fireplace, unless it involved curling up on the fur rugs in the living room! When it comes to Christmas decorating, are you team less-is-more or go-big-or-go-home? I’d like to think I’m somewhere in the middle 🙂

Christmas at My House, with Pottery Barn!

December 6, 2013

Sorry for skipping out on Wednesday’s post! It’s been another busy week, one that had a few challenges thrown in for good measure (“challenging” sounds so much better than draining, non?) but I’m still standing and pretty happy that the weekend is here. Pottery Barn recently asked me if I’d like to receive a surprise box of Holiday ornaments from them and I happily accepted, of course! It was such a treat to come home to a pretty package on my doorstep last week, a box that contained not one, not two but ten gorgeous glass ornaments! There was one small catch though: I was challenged to creatively display them, ie. not on a tree. A little tougher than you’d think but I used some vintage finds that I already had as the backdrop and styled this travel-themed vignette on my mantle.Come see:

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery Barn

The large “painting” in the centre is one of my favourites and is actually a vintage card table top. My dear friend Monica gave it to me and the scene is my happy place when life’s “challenges” get me down 🙂 The other artwork is also all vintage except for the black + white architectural sketch, which I drew in an interior design class years ago. My mom made the stockings for each of us and the nutcrackers are a mix of new and vintage finds. The greenery is all from our front yard and I forgot to turn our gas fireplace on so just imagine a toasty glow inside!

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery BarnOrnaments from Pottery Barn. Photos by Lily Ellis.

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery Barn

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery Barn

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery BarnOrnaments from Pottery Barn. Photos by Lily Ellis.

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery Barn

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery BarnOrnaments from Pottery Barn. Photos by Lily Ellis.

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery Barn

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery Barn

I’m pretty thrilled with the end results and Gabe told me last night that it’s “the best decorating you’ve ever done!”, a big compliment from my 10-year old boy 🙂 Make you want to jump on a plane and go somewhere, doesn’t it? A BIG thank you to Pottery Barn for the early Christmas gift and here’s a list of the 10 ornaments that I received:

Temperatures are dropping fast and it’s supposed to get reeeeally cold (for us!) this weekend. So stay warm and have a wonderful weekend!

*While I did receive 10 ornaments from Pottery Barn at no cost, I was not compensated for this post in any way. All photos are by myself, Lily Ellis, for Birch + Bird.

Feeling Festive: Colour for Christmas

December 2, 2013

Happy December to you! Are you feeling festive? I sure am! This weekend was a bit of a whirlwind but we had a great time hosting our first Holiday edition of The Urban Market (it’s hard not to get into the spirit of things when surrounded by handmade goodies, Christmas tunes and cheerful shoppers!) followed by a fun evening in with Rachel and her family (man, we’ve missed them!) and our annual trip to the tree farm (we found the perfect tree!). I haven’t had a chance to  actually decorate yet but Brad hung up our outside lights and, guess what? I nixed our usual all white strands for bright colour this year!!! I know, totally unlike me but I found some ceramic coated lights at Target that just called out to me and I must admit, they’re pretty darn cheerful! The kids are begging for more lights in our trees now too so pretty sure I’ll be heading back for more 🙂 Here are some more bright + cheery ideas for Christmas:

Birch + Bird: Shining stars by Bijzonder MooiBijzonder Mooi

Birch + Bird: Mini wreathes by Martha StewartMartha Stewart

Have I mentioned that I’m heading to Alt Summit in January? Well, I AM!!! Surprise packages from sponsors and the Alt team keep arriving on my doorstep (so awesome!) including some gift wrapping notions from Minted and 10 free sheets of personalized wrapping paper, so fun! I chose this pretty Sugar & Spice paper and personalized it with my favourite pumpkin bread recipe. I don’t know how I’ll cut it up and actually use it for wrapping!

Birch + Bird: Personalized wrap by MintedMinted

Birch + Bird: DIY marquee garland by A Subtle RevelryDIY marquee garland by A Subtle Revelry

Birch + Bird: Bob Greenspan PhotographyBob Greenspan Photography

Birch + Bird: "Cheers Around the World" print by Bluebird Kisses“Cheers Around the World” print by Bluebird Kisses

How do you decorate for the Holidays? Bright + bold or neutral + natural? I’m usually pretty neutral but have a feeling I’ll be brightening things up a little this year. Have a great day!

Sugar + Spice: Harlow’s Nursery

November 27, 2013

As this week kicks into high gear before our next batch of Holiday markets, I must admit that I’ve dreamed (more than once!) of escaping the hustle + bustle and flying off to a hot, deserted beach somewhere far (very far) away. Sounds dreamy, right? But back to hustling it is and, despite being stretched just a wee bit thin, it’s all coming together (it always does!).  My friend Jayme sent over some pics of her adorable daughter’s nursery this week that I’m pretty excited to share! I love getting a sneak peek inside other people’s homes (obviously!) and it’s a treat to be able to share a space that I’ve actually seen in person. You may remember Jayme’s kitchen renovation that I helped out with last year and they’ve since added to their family with sweet baby Harlow. I love how her nursery is feminine without being too fussy and there are so many handmade and whimsical touches throughout. But don’t just take my word for it, come take a look:

Birch + Bird: Harlow Lang's Nursery. Jayme Anne Photography.All photos by Jayme Anne Photography

Birch + Bird: Harlow Lang's Nursery. Jayme Anne Photography.

Birch + Bird: Harlow Lang's Nursery. Jayme Anne Photography.

Birch + Bird: Harlow Lang's Nursery. Jayme Anne Photography.All photos by Jayme Anne Photography

Birch + Bird: Harlow Lang's Nursery. Jayme Anne Photography.

Birch + Bird: Harlow Lang's Nursery. Jayme Anne Photography.

Birch + Bird: Harlow Lang's Nursery. Jayme Anne Photography.All photos by Jayme Anne Photography

Birch + Bird: Harlow Lang's Nursery. Jayme Anne Photography.

Birch + Bird: Harlow Lang's Nursery. Jayme Anne Photography.All photos by Jayme Anne Photography

And, I mean, just look at the little lady of the moment. Seriously! Cute as a button, isn’t she? Such a little bird and I think Jayme did an amazing job with her room. I love that it’s a space that Harlow can easily grow into too. Curious about where things are from? Here are the sources:

I’ll do my best to pop in and say hello before the weekend but if things get too crazy, I’ll see you again on Monday!

Trend Alert: Where the Buffalo Roam

November 25, 2013

I’ve got a big thing for quirky wall art (as you can see here and here) and after seeing Emily Henderson‘s bedroom makeover for Joanna Goddard last week, I pretty much fell in love with Sir Buffalo hanging over the bed! It’s one of many stunning photographs (seriously, there are far too many great shots to choose from!) by Sharon Montrose over at The Animal Print Shop  and I just love how unexpected and stoic he looks watching over the room. Other spaces and products featuring the proud bison kept catching my eye over the weekend too so I thought I’d share just a few of my faves:

Birch + Bird: Cup of Jo. Design by Emily Henderson. Photo by Ryan Liebe.Cup of Jo bedroom makeover. Design by Emily Henderson. Photo by Ryan Liebe. Art by Sharon Montrose.

Birch + Bird: Bison by White Faux Taxidermy.White Faux Taxidermy

Birch + Bird: Berkley IllustrationBerkley Illustration

Birch + Bird: Custom stamp by Six & GrandCustom stamp by Six & Grand

Birch + Bird: Great Wide Open series by 1Canoe21Canoe2 via Poppytalk

Birch + Bird: Wilderness RomanceWilderness Romance

What are your thoughts on seeing buffalo in home decor? Love? Hate? I just think they’re pretty funny and there’s something so Canadiana (or Americana, depending what side of the border you’re on) about them. We had a really fun weekend filled with friends and family and now I’ve got to hit the ground running for the next three batches of The Urban Market that my shop, Spruce Collective, is hosting. I’m really behind on emails (sorry if you’re waiting to hear from me!) but hope to get caught up before the week gets away on me again. Have a great Monday!

Merry + Bright: Spruce Collective in Chatelaine!

November 22, 2013

Hey, it’s Friday again?! Whoa. Before we all jump into the weekend, I thought I’d share a fun press feature on my shop, Spruce Collective, in the December issue of Chatelaine magazine! As I mentioned last week, my friend Janis stopped by the shop last Winter (feels like so long ago now!) to photograph a festive dining table we styled for the Holidays and we couldn?t be more excited to see it featured. Although we styled it months ago, all things nautical are still near and dear to our Spruce hearts and I will pretty much be recreating this look for my own home in a couple of weeks, just so you know 🙂 To pull it all together, we used several of our vintage rental pieces (mantle, table, benches and chair) and mixed in some of our favourite nautical art, handmade ornaments, fresh greenery (bouquets created by Kari Dueck of Confetti Floral Design) and plenty of gold and brass bits for added sparkle. I’m of the opinion that less is more when it comes to decorating for Christmas and always use what I have, layering in fresh evergreens, ornaments and candles (and in this case, seasonal fruit) for a festive touch. Here are a few more of Janis‘ pics in addition to what you’ll see in Chatelaine:

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective. Photo by Janis Nicolay.Styled by Spruce Collective. Photos by Janis Nicolay. Florals by Confetti Floral Design.

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective. Photo by Janis Nicolay.

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective. Photo by Janis Nicolay.Styled by Spruce Collective. Photos by Janis Nicolay. Florals by Confetti Floral Design.

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective in Chatelaine. Photo by Janis Nicolay.

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective. Photo by Janis Nicolay.

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective. Photo by Janis Nicolay. Confetti Floral Design.Styled by Spruce Collective. Photos by Janis Nicolay. Florals by Confetti Floral Design.

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective. Photos by Janis Nicolay. Florals by Confetti Floral Design.Styled by Spruce Collective. Photos by Janis Nicolay. Florals by Confetti Floral Design.

Pretty, right? Brad and I are off to our dear friend Julia’s birthday party in the city tonight (Happy Birthday, Juls!!!) before seeing Rachel and her family tomorrow. For new readers, Rachel and I started this blog waaay back in 2010 and our families became fast friends while we worked together and organized 4 vintage markets.  They made the adventurous move to Florida two years ago and we miss them dearly! I cannot believe it’s been a year and a half since we last hung out but they’re up for a visit and we’re so looking forward to catching up with them as well as other friends and family this weekend. I hope you enjoy much of the same, cheers!

Warm + Welcome: Winter Entertaining

November 20, 2013

While summer is definitely the more social season for us (we love a good patio party!), there’s a lot to be said for Winter gatherings. The sun may set earlier, but that’s no excuse to hibernate for the entire season! It doesn’t take much to create a warm and inviting atmosphere and you’d be surprised who the mere mention of a good cocktail will coax out of hiding! Here are some friendly spaces & delicious treats perfect for your next get-together:

Birch + Bird: Mini Pumpkin Pies by A Beautiful Mess. Photo by Janae Hardy.A Beautiful Mess. Photo by Janae Hardy.

Instead of scrambling to hide all of your food prep and kitchen utensils, why not style them into a simple vignette? They’ll be on hand to top up appie platters and make it much easier for guests to help out too. Logs on the fire and comfy seating (floor cushions are a great addition for small spaces) are perfect for fireside chats.

Birch + Bird: Brooklyn apartment on Design*Sponge. Photo by Maxwell Thielman.Design*Sponge. Photo by Maxwell Thielman.

Birch + Bird: Jennifer Chung PhotographyJennifer Chung Photography

Birch + Bird: Bourbon & Maple Apple Cider by FreutcakeFreutcake

Birch + Bird: Holiday table by Apartment 34Apartment 34

Birch + Bird: Scandinavian Christmas on FeminaFemina via Anya Adores

I’m all about keeping it simple these days. A welcome cocktail is a nice touch (Prosecco with a splash of Cassis + rosemary is my fave) before uncorking the wine. I usually make a couple of appetizers and variety of cheese, crackers, nuts + fruit to keep guests nibbling throughout the evening. Fresh evergreen sprigs and metallic ornaments are an easy way to bring a festive touch. What are your entertaining tips + tricks? I’d love to hear!

Merry + Bright: Holiday DIY’s

November 18, 2013

The calendar just keeps marking itself off and the countdown to Christmas suddenly feels very real, it’s everywhere! I have managed to buy a few small presents but have yet to write an official list so I’m feeling a wee bit behind. Our family will be keeping it pretty simple this year and I’d really like to create some festive DIY’s with the kiddos to give to teachers, family and friends. We love getting crafty at Spruce Collective and were lucky enough to have my friend Janis come shoot a Holiday table setting last year (feels like so long ago!) and it’s currently featured in the December issue of Chatelaine magazine, hooray! I’m really excited to see it in person (I checked 4 stores the other night, no luck!) but here’s a little peek for now:

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective in Chatelaine magazine. Photo by Janis Nicolay.Spruce Collective in Chatelaine magazine, December 2013. Photo by Janis Nicolay.

I love bringing special tidbits along as hostess gifts or, better yet, giving out festive favours to Holiday guests. Here are some easy DIY’s (for the most part, anyway!) and decorations to try:

Birch + Bird: DIY Pine Sachets via Style Me Pretty. Photo by White Loft Studio.DIY Pine Sachets via Style Me Pretty. Photo by White Loft Studio.

Birch + Bird: Boxwood wreath. Photo by Nicole Franzen.Nicole Franzen

Birch + Bird: Glitter deer by Sweet Paul MagazineHandmade Charlotte via Sweet Paul

Birch + Bird: DIY Shadow Boxes by Sweet Paul MagazineDIY Shadow Boxes by Sweet Paul Magazine

Birch + Bird: DIY Holiday decor by GardenistaGardenista

Do you put aside time to create Holiday gifts? It really adds to the meaning of the season, don’t you think? I’m a big fan of thoughtful giving and nothing says thoughtful like something that’s been handmade with love! I’m off to work now but will be back to chat on Wednesday 🙂

Week + End: Whistler Bound!

November 15, 2013

Oh yeah, it’s Friday! Another busy week to check off the calendar and I’ve been counting down until today because I’m heading for the hills –Whistler-bound, woo hoo! It’s my good friend’s birthday and Whistler is always tha bomb. We’re so lucky to have such a beautiful mountain within reach and I cannot wait to wander the village, visit with my girls and warm up with a fireside drink or two?or more but come on, it’s Whistler so who’s counting 😉 I’ll leave you with some links to love for the weekend–cheers!

1. Came across the gorgeous work of Vancouver artist Joanne Hastie and I’m absolutely loving this painting! Reminds me of an abstract paint-by-number–gorgeous!

Birch + Bird: Whistler Peak by Joanne HastieWhistler Peak by Joanne Hastie

2. This historic cottage is in the latest issue of Country Living and is packed with character + vintage touches:

Birch + Bird: Country LivingCountry Living

3. Creative kids parties are surprisingly hard to find but this forest picnic is super sweet:

Birch + Bird: Forest party by Smile & WaveSmile & Wave

4. I could easily curl up in a number of cozy corners in this Icelandic cottage:

Birch + Bird: Icelandic Cottage at Design*SpongeDesign*Sponge

5. My palette for boozy hot drinks is limited to Bailey’s & coffee and I’ve never tried a Hot Toddy before–thinking it’s high time!

Birch + Bird: Hot Toddy recipe by Camille StylesCamille Styles

This is a quick getaway (I’ll happily take what I can get 🙂 and I’m back tomorrow late afternoon for our Spruce staff party. We’re whisking the shop girls off (did you know we’ve got 5 employees now? Kind of crazy!) for a rustic picnic surprise, cannot wait! Time to hit the highway so happy weekend and bye for now!