Eclectic Wall Art: Keeping it Personal

Eclectic Wall Art: Keeping it Personal

September 25, 2013

Hey guys! Sorry I disappeared on Monday. I spent the weekend painting away at Gabe’s room in the basement and something’s just gotta give sometimes 🙂 His room is now the perfect black and white blank slate and all that’s left is to move his gear in and add some personality plus. I don’t think there’s anything more personal in home decor than art, wouldn’t you agree? It’s hard to know what draws us to a certain piece…sometimes it evokes a nostalgic memory or inspires us to do great things or simply makes us smile. Whatever the reason, I love a good wall gallery and these days I’m of the mindset that the quirkier, the better!

Covet Garden via SF Girl by Bay. Photo by Donna Griffith.

A Beautiful Mess. Photo by M.K. Sadler.

The Design Falls

Smitten Studio via Eva Black Design

Country Living

Desert Domicile

Katie’s Pencil Box

Wall galleries are great but sometimes all it takes is one awesome painting, like this handsome fellow. Who was he? Who painted him? I love the mystery behind vintage portraits and am dying to do a massive gallery wall of them at the shop. We’ll be moving Gabe’s furniture in later this week and hopefully finishing up by the weekend…I cannot wait to show you what we’ve got up our sleeves. Hope you’re having a great week so far!

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