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Birch + Bird Vintage Home Interiors

Mid Century Madness

April 8, 2013

Mad Men Season 6 premiered last night…did you tune in? I sure did! It was interesting to see the shift in styles, wasn’t it? Longer sideburns, ripped jeans, scruffy beards…must’ve been quite the jolt to society back then. But I must say, there’s something to be said for polished up-do’s and sleek suits. Every time I watch Mad Men, I can’t help but wish I put a wee bit, ok, a lot more effort into my appearance each day. But then, I wake up and happily slip on my jeans and worn in leather boots and can’t imagine wearing heels and party dresses to work or to the kids’ school. Here are just a few of my fave mid century looks…

Mad Men


Mad Men

Cast & Crew

Mad Men

Rock the Custard Prints

Mad Men

Leigh’s Art


What did you think about the big premiere? I enjoyed it but it did feel like there was a lot to catch up on after such a long break. I can’t wait to see how the rest of the season unravels…have a great Monday!


Fresh Inspiration

April 5, 2013

Well, hello friends and hello Friday! I’ve come to grips with the fact that I’ll likely never tackle everything on my weekly to-do lists but some weeks seem to hustle along a lot faster than others, don’t they? This was one of those whirlwind weeks for me yet I’m somehow still feeling inspired and motivated to tackle important tasks at hand, several of which are more daunting than others. Like getting healthy, for example. It can be pretty discouraging to realize how fast things can slide (especially at my “vintage” age of 33…) but I decided to stop pouting in my closet and do something (anything!) about it. I’ve been eating clean, walking every day and drinking green tea all week and I plan to step up my workouts over the weekend. There’s never enough time in the day but I really have no excuse not to fit in at least 20 minutes of cardio in somewhere. How do you juggle fitness goals in amongst work, family and life in general? I know some people love working out but unfortunately I’m just not one of them, are you? Wait, I don’t want to hear it if you are…just kidding 🙂

Kwestia Smaku

That’s enough talk of fitness (yawn!), so here are some other pretty pics that inspired and motivated me this week. I’ve got some continuing organization to tackle around my house and it’s due for a good Spring cleaning too. My poor house has been somewhat neglected since the shop opened up but I’m starting to get excited (rather than overwhelmed) at the thought of a few small-ish projects.

Rue via Camille Styles

Amanda Catherine Designs

The Design Files

Janis Nicolay / Pinecone Camp

Emily Henderson

Tulipina with SF Girl by Bay

I’m off to work now but enjoy this rainy weekend and I’d love to hear more about your own Spring goals, if you feel like sharing!


Emily Henderson Does It Again

April 3, 2013

If you haven’t guessed it already, I have a huge design crush on Emily Henderson. Sure, she’s cute and she’s funny but it’s her style that kills me every. single. time. She just gets it right. An effortless mix of vintage + new, colour + texture, with a generous dash of natural materials + lush plants add up to liveable, personal spaces that look real. And Emily touches on trends without ever coming across as trend-y…much harder to accomplish than one might think! Well, I know I’m gushing so I’ll stop and just let you see the home that she recently styled for HGTV. Emily was lucky to start with good bones, designed by architect Eric Olsen, and together they brought this family home back to life. Be sure to pop by her blog for plenty of before + afters too…

Emily Henderson for HGTV. Photo by Victoria Pearson

Style by Emily Henderson. Photo by Bethany Nauert.

Style by Emily Henderson. Photo by Bethany Nauert.

Emily Henderson for HGTV. Photo by Victoria Pearson

Emily Henderson for HGTV. Photo by Victoria Pearson

Emily Henderson

The exterior is just the icing on the cake, isn’t it? I can just picture kids running across the lawn! Do you have a “crush” in your industry or trade? What would you say or do if you met them in real life one day? And did you have a happy Easter? We sure did…the sunshine was divine! Couldn’t get enough of the weather but now it’s back to cloudy skies and reality but the kids are back in school, hooray 🙂


Hip Hop: DIY Easter Egg RoundUp

March 27, 2013

Admittedly, aside from Christmas, I’m not big on seasonal decorating for individual holidays and I give myself a shiny gold star if we actually get around to dying eggs at Easter. But after seeing the following eggshell succulent planters over at Le Robin’s Nest, I could very well change my tune! I managed to find even more egg-celent (sorry!) Easter-inspired DIY’s that step outside the food colouring box and thought I’d share some of my faves with you today…

Le Robin’s Nest

Joy Ever After




Rook No. 17

The Sweetest Occasion

Rifle Paper Co.

Do you celebrate Easter? If so, do you decorate your entire house or stick to dying eggs? We’ll be spending the long weekend with family, heading off to church (it’s been far too long!) and setting up egg hunts for the kiddos. I’ll be enjoying some extra days off but will share some gorgeous pics from our last shop photo shoot when I’m back next Wednesday. Happy Easter and/or Happy Long Weekend!


Family Fun in the City

March 25, 2013

Well, we’re back from a weekend of family fun in Vancouver! We were lucky enough to call Kitsilano home for a few days and we loved every minute of it! Our good friends Mike & Julia divide their time between the West Coast and Calgary and are always generous about letting us use their lovely apartment, such a treat! Here are just a few of the many pics that I took and you can see a few more over on Instagram

Between walking to the beach, spending Saturday at the aquarium, eating out, playing at local parks, exploring the Museum of Anthropology and soaking up plenty of cold Spring sunshine, the kids, Brad and I are all pretty wiped but it was well worth it! It’s always nice to get away for a few days but it was especially great to take time and enjoy a beautiful city that is so close to home. We spent the majority of our time outside and all feel pretty darn lucky to live in such a picturesque corner of the world. It’s easy to take the mountains that surround us for granted but standing on the beach and looking at the cityscape each day was pretty remarkable! Do you ever take mini-vacations close to home? Highly recommended 🙂


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