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Category: Uncategorized

Colour Crush: Aqua + Green

March 3, 2014

I’d hoped to feel rested up by today but somehow I’m not. No good excuse either! We were homebodies for most of the weekend, which felt great in a way but had it’s frustrating moments, including refereeing squabbling children. I feel like we’ve got so many projects that we want to do around our house but I’m holding back (or stuck) for a couple of reasons. A) Funds are tight and we just can’t tackle the big projects like flooring, kitchen, etc anytime soon and B) I’m just so freaking tired these days that I don’t know if I have the energy to finish even a little project! But I know that the latter is just a mildly lazy excuse and I’m perfectly capable of organizing a closet (or three) so I think I just need to make an actual goal list for the week to get some momentum going. Small projects, even simple ones, can make a world of difference and I’m the type of person who thrives on project planning. Thankfully, my store is the perfect creative outlet when I’m in a rut on the home front and we’ve got a few exciting projects in the works that I can’t wait to share. In the meantime, to coax Spring out of hiding here’s a collection of spaces + products featuring my current colour crush, aqua + green:

Oh Happy Day | Photo by Paul FerneyOh Happy Day | Photo by Paul Ferney

Oh Joy! for TargetOh Joy! for Target (available March 16th)

"Swim" by Janis Nicolay | Pinecone Camp“Swim” by Janis Nicolay | Pinecone Camp

Cartolina "You're a Gem" CardCartolina (also available at Spruce Collective)

Yvonne EllenYvonne Ellen

Isn’t there an old saying, “together blue and green should never be seen”? Well I totally disagree, obviously 😉 Enjoy this soggy Monday!

Friday Finds: Links to Love this Week

February 28, 2014

Hurray for the weekend! I’m feeling a little low on the energy scale this week, you know that feeling when you’re moving in slow motion and start several tasks without finishing any? Yeah, that’s me. But the weekend is here so I’m hoping to reboot and recharge before jumping into several creative projects, both at the shop and at home. Speaking of creative, my Spruce Collective girls and I recently filmed our first YouTube video (totally out of our comfort zone, fyi!) and I thought you might enjoy a little look behind the scenes in addition to some other links I loved this week:

1. Our first YouTube video for Spruce Collective!:

2. Although our own basement renos have slowed to a snail’s pace, I still love living vicariously through other peoples renovation adventures. Can’t wait to see the end result of Sarah‘s home and here’s a glimpse at her DIY studio in the meantime:

Smitten StudioSmitten Studio

3. Winter can be a little lonely, can’t it? Especially when temperatures drop, brrr!  But I can’t think of a better way to come out of hibernation than with a communal dinner like this one, attended by Shannon Eileen and hosted by Aran Goyoaga of Cannelle Et Vanille:

Happiness IsHappiness Is

4. A big kitchen reno is high on my wish list but isn’t remotely realistic at this point in time (wah!) but I’m hoping to come up with a few creative and budget friendly tweaks to make it at least a teeny bit happier. Loving the concrete counters and open shelves in this small Dutch kitchen:

Fantastic Frank via April + MayFantastic Frank via April + May

5. I love a good motivational quote and absolutely love this DIY “wallpaper” by blogger Marij Hessel! So awesome and sooo easy too, my kind of project!

My AtticMy Attic

Off I go to attempt at least somewhat of a productive day, wish me luck 🙂 And have yourself a fabulous weekend too!

Pattern Play: A Warm Silverlake Home

February 26, 2014

What a crazy burst of weather we’ve been having! Blizzard conditions on Monday turned into sunshine + bird-chirping Spring, total switcharoo but I’m definitely not complaining! I’ve got Spring cleaning on my brain and, inspired by our recent “freshening-up” over at my store, feel ready for a few bright + de-cluttering changes around our house. Considering my mild addiction to discount rug websites (like this one) and the endless quest for the perfect living room area carpet, it’s no wonder that this home tour on SF Girl by Bay caught my eye a couple of weeks ago. Layered with subtle pattern and texture, natural wood accents and bright pops of colour throughout, it’s hard to believe that this home was dark + dated before designer Natalie Myers got her hands on it:

Silverlake Home via SF Girl by Bay. Photos by Amy Bartlam. Design by Natalie Myers.Photos by Amy Bartlam via SF Girl by Bay. Design by Natalie Myers | Veneer Designs.

Veneer Designs. Amy Bartlam Photogography.Design by Natalie Myers | Veneer Designs. Photos by Amy Bartlam.

Silverlake Home via SF Girl by Bay. Photos by Amy Bartlam. Design by Natalie Myers.Photos by Amy Bartlam via SF Girl by Bay. Design by Natalie Myers | Veneer Designs.

Veneer Designs. Amy Bartlam PhotographyDesign by Natalie Myers | Veneer Designs. Photos by Amy Bartlam.

Silverlake Home via SF Girl by Bay. Photos by Amy Bartlam. Design by Natalie Myers.Photos by Amy Bartlam via SF Girl by Bay. Design by Natalie Myers | Veneer Designs.

Silverlake Home via SF Girl by Bay. Photos by Amy Bartlam. Design by Natalie Myers.Photos by Amy Bartlam via SF Girl by Bay. Design by Natalie Myers | Veneer Designs.

 So bright and classic, isn’t it? I absolutely adore the layered rugs in the living room and the vintage furniture + accessories used throughout the space. That bright turquoise door is pretty awesome too! I generally tend to paint doors out to match the walls but why not trick them out in a bold accent colour? Could you live here? I could.

Family Fun: Our Day at the Museum

February 24, 2014

Snow day, anyone? After the warm sunshine of last week, our little blizzard this weekend (although anyone used to real snow would probably laugh at our West Coast idea of a blizzard!) was quite the surprise! The snow won’t last long but it sure is pretty. Despite the snowfall (and a very early 4am wakeup call to watch the big hockey game, GOLD!!!), Brad and I took the kids to Victoria yesterday where we attended a memorial service for a family friend.  It was a very sad reason for a trip to the Island but we were so glad to be able to attend and celebrate a life well lived. We had hoped to walk around the city in the afternoon but the weather didn’t cooperate so we decided on a whim to go visit the Royal BC Museum and it turned out to be the perfect way to spend a snowy afternoon as a family:

The Royal BC Museum, Victoria BC  Photo by Lily Ellis | Birch + Bird

The Royal BC Museum, Victoria BC Photo by Lily Ellis | Birch + Bird


The Royal BC Museum, Victoria BC  Photo by Lily Ellis | Birch + Bird

The Royal BC Museum, Victoria BC  Photo by Lily Ellis | Birch + Bird

The Royal BC Museum, Victoria BC Photo by Lily Ellis | Birch + Bird

The Royal BC Museum, Victoria BC Photo by Lily Ellis | Birch + Bird

(Excuse the iPhone pics) I hadn’t been to the museum since a grade 6 field trip but it was awesome! We all loved exploring the exhibits and brushing up on the history of our great province and they just happened to have a number of extra creative things going on for the kids during our visit too. If you’re planning a trip to Vancouver Island anytime soon, I’d highly recommend a visit! It was a looong day and despite some very sad moments, it felt really great to get out of town and do something fun together.  Sometimes the best family times are the ones least expected, aren’t they? Life is so funny sometimes but I’ll take little doses of happy anytime I can get ’em 🙂

Five for Friday: Links to Love

February 21, 2014

This week flew by and having the kids home today for a pro-D day made it feel extra short. I haven’t felt overly productive but I did manage to have some great visits with several friends and plugged away at getting our new office at the shop organized so no complaints! I’m looking forward to hunkering down with the kiddos today and Brad + I are off to our first Bollywood-themed party tomorrow night, I can’t wait to dress up! Without further ado, here are some links I loved this week:

1. This Australian rental property, Vintage House Daylesford, is off the charts amazing! Built in the 1860’s, this miner’s cottage has been restored and re-designed into a luxury getaway full of vintage treasures and eclectic charm. When can we go?:

Vintage House DaylesfordVintage House Daylesford via Desire to Inspire

2. I find it so inspiring hearing about other people’s “success” stories, especially other women entrepreneurs, and Emma’s (from A Beautiful Mess) is pretty awesome:

Changing Dreams: by A Beautiful MessA Beautiful Mess

3. While I love doing real “field trips” to new shops, virtual ones are the next best thing and Victoria always does an awesome job at mapping out new stores and things to do in San Francisco. This shop, Electric Blanket, looks pretty darn cool:

Electric Blanket, San FranciscoElectric Blanket via SF Girl by Bay

4. I’ve got a serious weakness for vintage bentwood and this entire Scandinavian home, including this dining vignette, had me at hello:

Hitta HemHitta Hem via Decor Dots

5. White cabinets, wood accents, black window/door frames, vintage rug, artwork and great lighting all add up to the perfect kitchen in my books! Loving everything about this one:

Photo of Penelope Loorham?s house for The Design Files.  Photo - Eve Wilson.Photo of Penelope Loorham?s house for The Design Files.  Photo – Eve Wilson.

Any big plans for you? Our weather has been pretty manic jumping from stormy to warm + sunny back to wind and even some hail so it’s hard to plan outdoor activities. But I’m hoping to get outside at least a few times, really hankering for Summer these days. Sending you sunny thoughts wherever you are, enjoy the weekend!

On Display: Organized Collections

February 19, 2014

There are a few areas of my life that feel a little out of my control lately (including but not exclusive to mounds of laundry, bulging closets + our ongoing basement renovations) but I find that starting and finishing one organized task every now and then can make all the difference. Single small tasks make that looming mountain of to-do’s suddenly seem achievable (or at least within reach!), one baby step at a time. My partner Jessica and I spent a couple of hours yesterday styling some new product displays at the shop and, while it certainly didn’t solve world hunger or magically fold my laundry, it sure felt great to purge some shop clutter and make things look pretty! Although it’s all just stuff, I think our personal surroundings reflect our emotions in at least some small way, would you agree? Here are some more orderly shelves, art + collections that are soothing to the eye and to the soul:

Spruce Collective, Abbotsford BCSpruce Collective (excuse the iPhone pic!)

Image removed at request of photographer. See The Glitter Guide for photo.

Oh Joy!Oh Joy! Photo by Casey Bradley.

Kelli MurrayKelli Murray

Tracey Ayton Photography for Style at Home. Michelle Morlean Design.Tracey Ayton Photography for Style at Home. Michelle Morlean Design.

Lonny. Photo by Patrick Cline.Lonny via SF Girl by Bay. Photo by Patrick Cline.

Do you find organizing your living space therapeutic or overwhelming? A combination of both? Me too! With my busy schedule, I find it much easier to tackle small tasks like a drawer or single kitchen cupboard rather than pushing my luck with an entire closet or room. Organized moments may be fleeting these days but they sure feel like a breath of fresh air!

Eco + Friendly: An Australian Renovation

February 17, 2014

After the stormy West Coast weekend we had here, I’m craving sunshine and a sandy beach or two. Sadly, there are no beaches on my horizon (not warm ones, anyway!) but I did come across this eco-friendly Australian home that could brighten even the dreariest of days. Modern lines, concrete floors and natural materials are punctuated with bright art and bold textiles, creating a family friendly home full of personality:

***Photos removed at the request of Inside Out Magazine***

Cheerful, isn’t it? I especially love the creative art pieces used throughout. A little distraction from the wind and the rain that continue to come down outside. Have a great start to your week!

Lovestruck: Happy Valentine’s Day!

February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine’s Day! Love is in the air, as is the smell of fresh cupcakes, chocolate treats + cinnamon hearts! How will you be spending the day? I’m off to a breakfast brunch for a dear friend, then to work before picking up my sugar-filled kiddos. We don’t usually go out on V-day evening but will likely order in and snuggle up for a movie or two. Some love-inspired goodies that caught my eye this week:

1. These giant Valentine’s posters are simply awesome! 5 great printables to choose from over at Oh Happy Day:

Oh Happy DayOh Happy Day via The Paper Mama

2. This Etsy shop, North West Mid West, has some adorable finds, like these birch arrows and much more:

North West Mid WestNorth West Mid West

3. These leather pouches are pretty darling, aren’t they?:

The House That Lars Built: DIY Danish Leather Heart PouchesThe House That Lars Built. Photo by Trisha Zemp.

4. Obsessed with these hand-lettered prints by Jenny Highsmith! Super excited to start carrying several of my favourites at Spruce Collective very soon too, yay!:

Jenny Highsmith: It Was Always You PrintJenny Highsmith

5. Everything feels more festive with banners and bunting, doesn’t it?:

Be Crafty WorkshopBe Crafty Workshop

Off I go to kick off the day with mimosas and French Toast with some girlfriends, shouldn’t every Friday start that way? Hope your weekend is full of love, friendship and only good things 🙂

A Montecito Home: My Kind of Minimal

February 12, 2014

Well, hey there Wednesday! Mid-week just kind of came out of nowhere, didn’t it? We had a really full weekend with Sadie’s birthday festivities and a lot of extended family all topped off (coincidentally) by our latest BC stat holiday, Family Day. How lucky are we to live in a province/country that recognizes the importance of family? It felt great to have nothing on the agenda on Monday except hanging out together. Speaking of hanging out, if my name was on the deed of this dreamy white rancher, I’d find extremely hard to ever leave! Designed by architect Michael Eserts, this Californian beauty ticks off all of my wish-list boxes from lofty ceilings and oiled wood floors to an open floor plan and views that bring the outdoors in. Photographed by Jessica Comingore, I think this house tour is the perfect antidote to an otherwise dreary day:

Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.

Montecito residence. Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.

Montecito home. Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts.Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.

Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.

Montecito residence. Photographer: Jessica Comingore.  Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.

Montecito residence. Photographer: Jessica Comingore.  Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.

I just can’t get enough of the natural light in this home! Doesn’t it look like it would be cool on a hot day? Yet somehow equally cozy next to the fireplace on a chilly night? The landscape and setting amidst the big trees is pretty fantastic as are the clean lines and attention to detail outdoors and in. Definitely my kind of minimal! Enjoy the rest of your day and I’ll be back to chat on Friday 🙂


Five for Friday: Love-ly Valentine’s Day DIY’s

February 7, 2014

I’m off like a shot today, finishing up some work at the store before doing the final prep for Sadie’s birthday party later this afternoon. But before I zip off,  thank you so much for your encouraging comments and emails (and even a few in-person conversations)  after my last post! Sounds like most of you can relate to being overwhelmed on the home front in some form or another and it was really great hearing about your own experiences, tips and advice for how to juggle family and work or, more importantly, when to realize you simply just can’t do it all. So true. I won’t be taking on any extra projects this weekend but if I were, I’d definitely try my hand at one of these Valentine’s-inspired DIY’s:

1. I love a good marquee letter sign and this one is so cute for V-Day, weddings or just about anywhere really:

This Heart of Mine: DIY Marquee Sign for Valentine Day

2. There’s something especially lovely about the latest “naked” cake trend. Understated beauty is the best kind, isn’t it? I think so:

My Name is Yeh: Valentine's CakeMy Name is Yeh: Valentine’s Cake

3. Speaking of beauty, Sunday Suppers is hosting a flower shop on Valentine’s Day (it’s in Brooklyn, NY) but I would love to learn how to make gorgeous “undone” bouquets like this one:

Sunday Suppers: Flower Shop ClassSunday Suppers

4. Oh, Emily Henderson. You, your style and your adorable baby have my heart (your husband’s ok, too 😉 and this embossed pillow would be perfect for one of my girls’ bedrooms. How cute to make as a gift for friends:

Emily Henderson: DIY-Embossed-PillowEmily Henderson: DIY-Embossed-Pillow

5. I’ve got a minor thing for dishtowels these days, not super sure why, but I just ordered a tonne for the shop (shh, the invoice hasn’t arrived yet) and I don’t own any particularly nice ones of my own. So many would look great framed though and I think these DIY ones would be an especially thoughtful gift:

Say Yes: DIY Tea ClothsSay Yes: DIY Tea Cloths

That’s all for now! Off I go but wish me luck entertaining nine 5-8 year-olds this afternoon (Advil and wine are ready) and have yourself a wonderful weekend! Stay warm 🙂


Colour Love: Real Life Confessions + Plenty of Pink

February 5, 2014

This week hasn’t felt especially “busy” per say but I must admit that I’m in a total rut when it comes to housework and home organization and it’s really bogging me down. Spending my days at the shop (which I love!) makes the afternoons of picking up kids, sporadic grocery shopping and frenzied dinner/homework/bedtimes a total rush/blur/cranky mess and I’ve pretty much been a cranky beast. I have got to get it under control (or at least manageable!) but I’m having a hard time getting out of my slump. It’s Sadie’s birthday this weekend so I forced (ahem) pushed myself to finally hang a gallery wall in her room last night (something I would usually totally enjoy!) but I started too late, throwing off bedtime and my overall mood.  But, silver lining, Sadie’s gallery wall looks great and I’m so glad I powered through. I just found this “Brave Girl” download that I’ll be printing off asap to add to it too, cute right? Since her room is mostly black, white + pink I thought the rest of these images were fitting too:

Danielle Burkleo: Free Printable! Free Printable by Danielle Burkleo

100 Layer Cake:Modern Pink + Black + White Party Ideas100 Layer Cake

The Everygirl: Kristin Jackson Home TourThe Everygirl

Butter's Shaped Cookies. Photo by Janis Nicolay.Janis Nicolay

Agent Bauer: Marcus LawettAgent Bauer: Marcus Lawett

Baker's Royale: Blushing Kiss MartiniBaker’s Royale: Blushing Kiss Martini

Any working moms or dads out there? Or worker bees in general? How on earth do you keep up appearances at home? My creative and renovation ambitions seem to leave themselves at Spruce these days and, let’s face it, I’m flipping’ tired by the time I get the kiddos in bed! But I generally do well under pressure and we’ve got 2 parties here this weekend so that’s motivation enough to hustle and get things somewhat in order. Just don’t open any closets if you happen to pop by for a visit! What motivates you to get sh#t done? Please share!


Alt Summit 2014: The Business Cards

February 3, 2014

Before I get back to my usual blogging routine, I thought I’d share one last tidbit about my trip to Alt Summit 2014. When it came to meeting people, as I mentioned in my last post, it was all about the business cards. It took me a little time to get used to thrusting smoothly handing my card over to someone 3 seconds after introducing myself but by the end, it felt completely normal. Cards by no means changed my perception of people themselves but they definitely helped me remember conversations and put faces to the names when I later sorted through the masses. Here are just a few of my favourite cards from Salt Lake City:

I’m a sucker for letterpress, fonts + hand-drawn scripts and these ones are far too pretty not to mention:

Birch + Bird: Alt Summit 2014 Business Cards1. Bella 2. A Thousand Threads 3. Making it Lovely 4. Edith & Kaye 5. Oh So Beautiful Paper 6. Heather Dempsey/GetMarried 7. Goods by Grinn 8. Not Merely Living 9. Life in Sketch 10. Frock Files 11. House of Lucky 12. Eat Boutique!

Far from boring, these stylish neutrals stood out from the crowd:

Birch + Bird: Alt Summit 2014 Business Cards1. Little Retreats 2. Brewed Together 3. Little French Bakery 4. Bungalow 56 5. House Tweaking 6. Brickyard Buffalo 7. Oleaner + Palm 8. The Paper Mama 9. Bree Johnson 10. A Life Well Lived 11. Birch + Bird (I know, I couldn’t resist!) 12. Crew & Lu 13. A Storied Style 14. Whippy Cake

Just a random selection  of some other great cards that stood out from the rest:

Birch + Bird: Alt Summit 2014 Business Cards1. Melissa Hope 2. Whimsy Box 3. Oh Happy Day 4. Handmade Charlotte 5. Caravan 6. Even if Nobody Reads This 7. Dandee Designs 8. Kollabora 9. Go Mighty 10. Small for Big 11. Not Martha 12. Delilah Snell/Dear Handmade Life 13. Simple Green Smoothies

Inspiring, aren’t they? I’m a big fan of simple cards that say it all at a glance but I love seeing all of the variations and design possibilities that others put out there. Do you carry business cards with you on a regular basis? I do for my shop, Spruce Collective, and think I’ll feel a lot more comfortable handing them out in social settings from now on. Practice makes perfect, right? If you want to hear more about my experience at Alt Summitcheck out my tips here.


Alt Summit 2014: I Did It!

January 31, 2014

As many of you know, I jetted away to attend Alt Summit last week, a blogging conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. I’ve been asked numerous times (usually accompanied by a skeptical smile) what on earth a blogging conference actually is (and if there are more than 10 people in attendance!) so thought I’d attempt to sum up my experience for you. Alt was organized specifically for creative lifestyle bloggers like myself and topics each year range from “The Business Of Blogging”, “Personal Branding”, “Pinterest Strategies”, to”Growing Your Community” and many more. I went on my own (yep, that’s right!) and actually feel pretty darn proud of myself for taking the leap! While it would have been super awesome to have gone with a friend, not having a “wingman” really pushed me to introduce myself and yes, it was waaay out of my comfort zone. I definitely had some awkward/sweaty-palm/not-sure-where-to-stand-or-look moments and totally missed out on a couple of good interactions because of my own hesitation/fear/nerves but Que Sera Sera, so goes life. My only agenda (so to speak) was to be myself, meet new people and learn as much as possible to bring back to my Spruce partners and to apply here at Birch + Bird. And I’m happy to say that I feel like I accomplished all of my goals, yay!

Lily | Birch + Bird : My experience at Alt Summit 2014

If you’re looking to attend Alt Summit or another big conference in your field, I thought I’d share some of my top tips + things that I learned from my own experience in chilly Salt Lake:

  • Invest in eye-catching business cards: I am so glad that I splurged on mine! They were a great conversation piece and honestly stood out from the rest. I’ve never seen so many beautiful cards in one place so, yes, you definitely want yours to be memorable.
  • Plan out your outfits ahead of time: Although I’ve amped things up since opening Spruce fashion is an area of design that I have yet to master and I was freaking out the week before Alt. My sister-in-law Amy (who also happens to have been one of my best friends since high school) saved the day, in a very BIG way! We raided her closet (which is to-die-for!) for some key pieces (like blazers and statement jewelry) to mix in with things I already had. I chose outfits for each day (and night) before I left and it literally took all of the stress out of what to wear each day. Everyone at Alt Summit is dressed to the nines, not necessarily fancy, just entirely with it.  But, to be totally honest, it all became one big blur by day 2 so don’t stress, just be prepared and wear what you feel makes you looks your best.
  • Stay at the hotel: By the time I bought my conference ticket, the Grand America was sold out so I booked another hotel nearby. Thankfully, some blogger friends had booked an extra room and I was able to cancel my other booking but I think my entire experience would have been much different if I’d stayed offsite. First off, the Grand America is gorgeous so I lived it up for 4 nights, mega perk! Also, I didn’t leave the hotel for 2.5 days. Like, ever. Sure, I felt mildly claustrophobic and Vitamin-D-deprived by Friday night but it was so great to be able to pop up to my room between sessions to drop off swag (there’s lots of it!), freshen up or simply take a break from the masses.
  • Go with your gut: I did my best to pre-plan what sessions I attended and had a good idea of what I wanted to learn before setting foot in Salt Lake. That being said, a couple of my favourite speakers were ones that I switched to literally 5 minutes before they started, based entirely on recommendations by past-attendees that I sat beside at lunch. So have a plan but be flexible.
  • Take what you need: On a similar note as going with your gut, if you start a session and realize that you’re not getting as much as you think you should out of it, leave and move onto another one, even if it’s halfway through. I did this twice and was so glad that I did. If you find yourself checking Instagram or catching up on emails, it’s time to move on. Not that what the speakers are saying isn’t awesome, it just might not be what you need.
  • Get around: Sure, you may go with friends or blogging/business partners but chatting with people you know every meal or break isn’t going to expand your horizons. I made a conscious effort not to cling-on to people I’d talked to before (it was hard!) and to sit next to new people at each meal.  But I was lucky enough to know 4 awesome gals from Abbotsford though (hooray for Helinda + Lucy of Vitala and Laurel + Pam of The Sugarplum Sisters) which really made the parties a lot more fun! I had several moments outside of the Alt schedule that I wish I’d had the nerve to pull up a chair with a group of other bloggers but, sigh, I didn’t. Which brings me to my next tip. . .
  • Don’t get down on yourself: Seriously. The voices in our heads can make us crazy, can’t they? I’ll never be the most fashionable girl at the party or the funniest or the most outgoing etc, etc, etc. But I am me. Mom, wife, friend, store owner, blogger, over-achiever-extraordinaire. Yep, that’s right, I’m awesome and so are you! Sure, moments at big events like Alt may bring you right back to to high school and the cool girls but so what. We’re all nervous and insecure but we also all have a lot to bring to the party. So bring it! “Be yourself and nothing less”, which just so happened to be our “cool girl’s” motto in high school (it’s true, ask Amy 😉
  • Take time for yourself: Staying at the Grand America was a vacation in itself but I splurged and booked myself in for an extra day. My brain was so full by the end of the conference and I really needed some time to decompress. I also didn’t want to leave Salt Lake without taking a look around so I walked the downtown area on Saturday and was lucky enough to get the grand tour of Park City by my friend’s daughter later that afternoon. We just so happened to see Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd sitting directly behind us at dinner too ? NO JOKE! Overall, it was really relaxing to have so much alone time (I had more baths in 4 days than I usually have in 2 months!) but I do wish that I’d brought some workout gear along with me. I feel like it would have really energized me to hit the gym at least a couple of times during such a information-heavy event. Next time!

Lily | Birch + Bird : My experience at Alt Summit 2014

I left filled to the brim with ideas but also feeling confident, knowing that great things are ahead for me personally and especially for Spruce Collective. I also realized that the measure of success is very different to different people, and that for me, creating ideas and writing is truly what I am good at so I can’t waver and let self-doubt get in the way. A positive way to kick off the weekend, don’t you think? I’d love to hear your own experiences from Alt Summit or similar conventions so please share!


A Montecito Home: My Kind of Minimal

February 12, 2014

Well, hey there Wednesday! Mid-week just kind of came out of nowhere, didn’t it? We had a really full weekend with Sadie’s birthday festivities and a lot of extended family all topped off (coincidentally) by our latest BC stat holiday, Family Day. How lucky are we to live in a province/country that recognizes the importance of family? It felt great to have nothing on the agenda on Monday except hanging out together. Speaking of hanging out, if my name was on the deed of this dreamy white rancher, I’d find extremely hard to ever leave! Designed by architect Michael Eserts, this Californian beauty ticks off all of my wish-list boxes from lofty ceilings and oiled wood floors to an open floor plan and views that bring the outdoors in. Photographed by Jessica Comingore, I think this house tour is the perfect antidote to an otherwise dreary day:

Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.

Montecito residence. Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.

Montecito home. Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts.Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.

Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.

Montecito residence. Photographer: Jessica Comingore.  Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.

Montecito residence. Photographer: Jessica Comingore.  Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.Photographer: Jessica Comingore. Architect: Michael Eserts | Eserts Studio.

I just can’t get enough of the natural light in this home! Doesn’t it look like it would be cool on a hot day? Yet somehow equally cozy next to the fireplace on a chilly night? The landscape and setting amidst the big trees is pretty fantastic as are the clean lines and attention to detail outdoors and in. Definitely my kind of minimal! Enjoy the rest of your day and I’ll be back to chat on Friday 🙂