You be the judge.

You be the judge.

October 26, 2011

I’ve always been attracted to great architecture and interior design as far back as I can remember.  And I often find myself playing the designer in my head.  Rethinking or rearranging the spaces of my friends and family, shops, hotels, pretty much anywhere.  Today I thought it might be fun to do something a little different.  Take a browse through the images below and tell us what you love, what you don’t and what you would do differently, if you were the designer.  The budget is huge, so don’t hold back.

These spaces are from The Modern Life Concept House.  Elle Decor selected ten A-listed Interior Designers to design spaces for two downtown New York apartments for the Concept House that was showcased this past summer.  I’m so sad to have missed out on the tour…and a trip to New York.  Elizabeth Martin designed the living room above and Grant Gibson the kitchen below.  What do you think?

All images by Jamie Beck for Sacramento Street

It’s always fun to spend someone else’s money, isn’t it?



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