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Windows: All or Nothing

Windows: All or Nothing

July 17, 2012

Well, it seems as though I took our blog break all too seriously and lost track of time.  I thought yesterday was Sunday and today Monday which is why there were tumble weeds rolling by here yesterday.  Oops!  With the girls off school since the end of February, we’ve been a bit lax about time.  The flexibility has been necessary as we’ve had quite a bit of upheaval in our lives but let me tell you, I can’t wait for school to start again so that we can have a more structured routine.  Back to school will be a welcomed shock to our system.  I also look forward to having more time to myself to be productive and explore our new neighborhood.   Besides the odd day or evening off, I’ve been with my girls for 24/7 for months now and while we’ve had a tonne of fun and we’ll cherish this time forever…I can’t get much done.  Their constant need to eat puts a damper on my to-do list!  Sheesh.

Styled by Lo Bjurulf. via Decor8.

One item on my unrealistically long to-do list is to replace most of the window coverings in this house and it’s going to be a bit of a challenge.  This house has amazing windows.  Big windows that look out onto the pool or into the neighborhood and I love them and the view.  Our last house was so dark so this is a welcomed change.  Most of the windows are straight forward but there are two that have me scratching my head.  The windows in our breakfast room are off set.  Normally for this type of situation, I’d just fake it with equally placed rods and curtains on the wall and no one would know the difference.  But that won’t work in this situation, as you can see.  I’ve got a few options floating around in my head…keeping them bare, just blinds or change up the landscaping for nighttime privacy.  But I’d really like to soften it up in there.  Don’t worry about that valance, it’s long gone.  The light and wood trim will be headed that way shortly as well.

Birch + Bird

 Home & Delicious. via My Paradissi.


The other trouble maker is the sliding glass door in the living room.  Now, this isn’t your everyday slider, it was one of the features that sold us on this house.  It spans 15 feet along the main living room wall and when open it completely hides away, opening up the living room to the pool area.  Right now,  the classy vertical blinds hang off a 70s era header that wraps the living room, complete with fluorescent lights in all their flickering, headache-inducing glory and I can’t wait to take it down.  Most of the time, the blinds are open but for night, some privacy would be nice.  The solution seemed obvious to me at first but then I started to think about the 20 foot rod and all the fabric and wondered if this was my most affordable option. Clearly, I need to do a bit more research, so if you have any suggestions, I’m listening.

Birch + Bird

Annabelle Kerslake. via Design*Sponge.

Desire to Inspire

Lili Diallo

Bodie & Fou

The Brick House

Going with curtains is a fail safe route to take when dressing up windows but once and awhile it’s nice to take some chances, don’t you think?

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