Vintage Modern: Schoolhouse Electric
April 14, 2014
I’m suddenly at that age when trends I’ve lived through are coming around full circle (like overalls and Doc Martens, for example) and I admit it’s making me feel a wee bit old! But that’s the thing about style and fashion. There are only so many ideas out there so old ideas have to recirculate and when given a fresh enough twist, they become “new” once again. I’m all for classic pieces over trends (in both home decor and fashion) and love seeing traditional lines given a modern edge. Schoolhouse Electric is a company that really just gets it right. Branching out from their signature heritage and industrial light fixtures, the collection has expanded to include furniture, bedding and home decor essentials built with classic lines and a strong nod to mid-century design. I’d be happy as a clam to move any of these pieces into our new home next month:
Schoolhouse Electric: Fulton Chair
Schoolhouse Electric: Satellite Sconce
Schoolhouse Electric: Equestrian Loveseat
Schoolhouse Electric: Bed Linens
Schoolhouse Electric: Cassandra Bed
Can you tell I’ve got a little thing for button tufting? There were far too many great pieces to narrow down for this post so be sure to check out the rest of the Schoolhouse Electric website on your coffee break. I really should be packing, not “dream” shopping online but I work better under pressure 😉 Off to work I go but have a great start to your week!