Vancouver Modern: A Bright Family Home

Vancouver Modern: A Bright Family Home

May 8, 2013

While leisurely flipping through my June issue of Canadian House & Home this weekend, I fell in love with this Vancouver home belonging to designer Nancy Riesco and her family. Come take a peek at some of the beautiful pics snapped by my friend Janis (it’s so cool to see familiar names making regular appearances in my favourite magazines!) and you can see even more over at Pinecone Camp as well as in the latest issue of H&H, now on news stands…

All pictures by Janis Nicolay for House & Home. Design by homeowner Nancy Riesco.

All pictures by Janis Nicolay for House & Home. Design by homeowner Nancy Riesco.

All pictures by Janis Nicolay for House & Home. Design by homeowner Nancy Riesco.

I just love all of the clean lines, colourful artwork and bold pops of colour throughout this family home. It’s so bright and liveable, wouldn’t you agree? My week is zipping along and I’m doing my best to keep up. We spent a good chunk of the day in Vancouver yesterday, salvaging a Kerrisdale home up for demolition with Tracey Ayton (here’s a peek!), visiting with Chris at Stepback (if you haven’t been, you really must!) and then rushing home to pick up kids and zoom off to hockey practice. Ah, these are the days! Off to the shop now before some much needed R+R with my Spruce girls…we’re having our belated Christmas party this afternoon! Fresh toes at the nail spa and dinner on a sunny patio, coming right up 🙂


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