Vacation Mode

Vacation Mode

July 3, 2013

Two words for this past Canada Day weekend…heat wave! Temperatures have been steamy and I don’t know about you, but I can’t seem to snap out of vacation mode with all of this sunshine. It might have a lot to do with the fact that I’ve had the house to myself for a record amount of time…Brad took the kids up to the family cabin with his folks and they decided to extend their stay due this amazing weather. While I do miss them all dearly, I must admit that having our house stay clean for several days straight has me feeling somewhat giddy and I needed a weekend to myself more than I knew. I know, I know, I was just away in wine country but somehow being home, alone, has got me feeling more relaxed than I have in a very, very long time. I’ve walked the dog every night, spent time in the sun, read 5 magazines, caught up on Netflix, had my Spruce girls over for lunch and even painted my chimney! That’s a whole R&R in my books, well, minus the painting the chimney part! I’ll share some before and after pics on Friday with you but since I’m feeling so relaxed, thought I’d share this lovely New Zealand beach shack with you…

All photos by Kevin Emirali via Home Life.

All photos by Kevin Emirali via Home Life.

The perfect spot to unwind, wouldn’t you agree? Loving the hits of blue throughout. Hope you’re keeping cool!

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