True Patriot Love

True Patriot Love

June 30, 2011

School’s out! Mothers, join me in a collective sigh of relief….ahhhh! What are your plans for this official first weekend of summer vacation? We’re hitting the road now for our family cabin in the Kootneys. We’ll need to take a small detour around the massive mud slide that happened yesterday on the Trans Canada Highway but it will make for some fresh scenery. I made a stop at the dollar store yesterday and stocked up on some great finds for the kids to travel with…dry erase boards, neck pillows, sticker books and even some math workbooks….so hopefully things will stay relatively peaceful for the next 7 hours or so.

Canada Day is tomorrow and we love to spend it lakeside at the cabin. The day is usually spent playing bocce and drinking beer and the nights are spent roasting marshmallows by the fire while watching fireworks light up the sky from the town at the opposite end of the lake. Tough living! Rachel and I will be taking a little vacation from the blog world for the next 2 weeks to spend time with our families and kickstart the summer. A little cliffhanger….we’re working on some very exciting plans for the fall and we cannot wait to share them with you! Stay tuned…

Heartfelt Yarn Wreaths

1. Birch + Bird Vintage Home Interiors 2. Handy Sam


1. Froste & Fete 2. Kitchen Table Vintage

Roots Canada

A Creative Mint

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the patriotic festivities on both sides of the border! Let’s cherish our glorious freedom always…Happy Canada Day and Happy 4th of July! See you in two weeks….

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