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Trove Vintage Rentals: Part 1

Trove Vintage Rentals: Part 1

April 22, 2013

Well hello and good day! You may notice a fresh new look here on the blog, put together by Australian designer Tabitha Emma, and I am so happy with the final result! This update had been on my mind for quite some time and the timing was suddenly just right. I’m loving all of the watercolour details and the clean layout. But enough about me, what do you think?

Today I thought I’d feature a styled shoot that I’m really proud of. My shop, Spruce Collective, has a large (and still growing!) inventory of vintage rentals and we thought it would be fun to show brides-to-be how to mix and match pieces in a variety of wedding scenes.  My partners and I (minus Jessica who was otherwise occupied giving birth to her adorable son Elliot…a very good reason to miss out!) spent one very loooong day staging several different scenes for our  Trove Vintage Rentals look book. Captured beautifully by Mikaela Ruth Photography, this was our vision of a romantic, Bohemian Farmhouse inspired wedding…

All photos by Mikaela Ruth for Trove Vintage Rentals, a division of Spruce Collective.

We packed up everything and trucked it on over to the quaintest little hobby farm that you ever did see…frolicking lambs included! And I think you’ll agree with me when I say that the barn loft is stunning. Fun fact: Kevi (one of my Spruce partners), got engaged here…fitting, right? You can see more of our rental inventory here too…click here.

Rustic benches made by Tack Woodwork & Design. Flowers by Confetti Floral Design.

All photos by Mikaela Ruth for Trove Vintage Rentals, a division of Spruce Collective.

All photos by Mikaela Ruth for Trove Vintage Rentals, a division of Spruce Collective.

These are just two of the looks that we shot for Trove Vintage Rentals but here is the final result….

[issuu layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml showflipbtn=true documentid=130416175408-9992a0b263c94cb9814bcf60edea7ae4 docname=bohemianfarmhouse username=sprucecollective loadinginfotext=Bohemian%20Farmhouse%20Lookbook showhtmllink=true width=420 height=272 unit=px]

Rustic benches made by Tack Woodwork & Design. Flowers by Confetti Floral Design.

I’ll share more lovely scenes with you on Wednesday but until then, enjoy this sunshine! You can see more of our rental inventory here too…click here.

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