The windows in our home are bare at the moment. We updated the baseboards and trim during our renovation and I’m s.l.o.w.l.y. working my way through the house painting it all a bright, crisp white. All the window treatments and blinds were removed for this project and we never put them back except a few for privacy. Since our home is in shade most of the time, I’m in no rush to block any precious sunshine from entering our home. But some windows will need a little dressing up sooner or later. One option is the Roman Shade. Simple or extravagant and not usually too fussy.
Whenever I get around to it, I’d like to make them myself. I can sew a straight line on my sewing machine and with the multitude of tutorials online, I should be able to figure it out, right? Have you ever attempted a Roman shade? Any tips?
We’ll be having a giveaway in the next while so stay tuned for details.