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Take Me to Church: A Family Home Renovation

Take Me to Church: A Family Home Renovation

June 16, 2014

Well, I’m officially beat. Last week and this weekend totally kicked my a$$ …3 parties at our house is just a little too much for this mama, especially with Brad away camping all weekend, but I survived and I’m ready to attempt another busy week ahead. The schools are on full strike now so all working parents in BC are in extreme juggling mode but so far I’ve got childcare somewhat lined up…I think. Despite the juggling act and sad moments that school got cut short (as in ended suddenly…we didn’t even get to say goodbye!), it does feel good to ease into Summer mode and less driving is always a good thing. My nerves are feeling somewhat on edge after organizing events, schedules and babysitting and I could sure use a peaceful moment, how about you? Now you know I love a good home conversion (see here, here and here) and I can’t imagine a more serene home than a church! This Australian church was originally built in the 1800’s and was operational until only 10 years ago before being converted into a cozy family home, full of vintage treasures and modern conveniences:

Photographer: Sean Fennessy, Producer: Lucy Feagins, Source: The Design FilesPhotographer: Sean Fennessy, Producer: Lucy Feagins, Source: The Design Files via Domaine

Photographer: Sean Fennessy, Producer: Lucy Feagins, Source: The Design Files

Photographer: Sean Fennessy, Producer: Lucy Feagins, Source: The Design FilesPhotographer: Sean Fennessy, Producer: Lucy Feagins, Source: The Design Files via Domaine

Photographer: Sean Fennessy, Producer: Lucy Feagins, Source: The Design Files

Photographer: Sean Fennessy, Producer: Lucy Feagins, Source: The Design FilesPhotographer: Sean Fennessy, Producer: Lucy Feagins, Source: The Design Files via Domaine

On a personal note, I’m going in for surgery on Thursday and I’m feeling pretty nervous about the whole thing. It’s not serious (as in it’s not a medical emergency but all surgery is fairly serious I suppose!) and I won’t go into details now but I will be in recovery-mode over the next few weeks so you might see a lot less of me…or more, depending on how bored I get! Despite the recovery side of things, it will be nice to put my feet up and finally read that stack (as in 12!) of magazine subscriptions that I haven’t had a chance to read yet, not to mention getting in some serious cuddle/book reading/movie watching time with my kiddos. I’ll be back to chat on Wednesday but have a great start to your week 🙂

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