Stylish Rooms for Babies

Stylish Rooms for Babies

April 4, 2011

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about time and how quickly it passes.  I think that once you have children, time goes by even faster than before.  I can’t believe that 5 years has gone since our girls were newborns.  A lot has happened in that time and we’ve been extremely blessed all along.  It seems like there are quite a few new babies around me these days and I miss that newborn stage a lot.

Living Etc. via Black*Eiffel

National Post

I was in heaven putting together a nursery for them and I imagine it’s the same for most new moms.  All the fussing with what goes where and what looks best here, that you definitely won’t have time for after the baby has arrived.  Picking out the perfect paint colour to match the perfect bedding.  Washing, folding and neatly piling up all the sweet little clothes.  Stock piling the shelves with diapers, creams and whatever you think you might need but you probably don’t.  The anticipation was amazing.

Life in the Fun Lane

lay baby lay

lay baby lay

All these nurseries have such timeless style, don’t you think?  I love the mix of old and new and loads of personality.  A twin bed could easily take the place of the crib and the room could keep on growing with the child.  I really can’t pick which one I like best.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

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