Style Alert: Minimal Bohemian
March 12, 2014
Sorry for the late post today but I’ve been very distracted by the movie filming on location at Spruce Collective over the last couple of days. I even got pulled in as an extra this morning, true story! I’ve been on set quite a bit but despite my “big” moment on camera (and by big I mean minuscule), the extent of the excitement basically consists of trying to find a spot to stand that’s not in the way. Have you ever been part of a movie filming?
On a complete change of subject, I read a design term that really stuck with me yesterday, “Minimal Bohemian” (thanks for the decription Eva!). I’m often asked how I would describe my style and always have a really tough time putting it into words but I think that minimal bohemian pretty much sums it up! Here are some examples of looks I’m loving right now:
Photo by Belén Imaz for AD Espanha (via ArkPad via Sycamore Street Press)
Milk Magazine vie The Style Files. Photo by Louise Desrosiers.
Clean lines, layers of subtle texture and pattern, plenty of natural elements like wood, concrete and brick. What do you think, does that sound like Minimal Bohemian to you? How would you describe your “look”? Back to the set I go! I’ll let you know if I have any more “big breaks” 😉