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Spruce Collective presents The Urban Market!

Spruce Collective presents The Urban Market!

November 4, 2013

Sorry I disappeared on Friday! I kind of lost track of time with all of the Halloween festivities and then suddenly the weekend came and went! It’s been just over a week since my shop hosted The Urban Market and I think I’ve finally had time to absorb just how amazing the weekend actually was! The talented Sharalee Prang was on hand to capture our big event and boy, did she capture it! It was next to impossible to narrow this post down to the following images but we’ll be posting the entire album shortly on our Facebook page.  Highstreet was such a fantastic venue and we couldn’t have been happier with our pop-up style space. We strung about 35 strands of white lights to set the mood and our vendors really pulled out all of the stops with their gorgeous displays?the eye candy was almost overwhelming! Our Friday night sneak peek party was loads of fun and we loved seeing so many smiling faces mingling and munching while getting first dibs on handmade and vintage goodies. Treasure hunting is always more fun with a drink in hand and cute DJ’s don’t hurt either 😉 We all headed back for more the next morning and hundreds of happy customers flowed through the doors right until closing time.  Come take a peek…

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective presents The Urban Market. Photo by Sharalee Prang.All photos by Sharalee Prang Photography


Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective presents The Urban Market. Photo by Sharalee Prang.

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Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective presents The Urban Market. Photo by Sharalee Prang.

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective presents The Urban Market. Photo by Sharalee Prang.All photos by Sharalee Prang Photography

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Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective presents The Urban Market. Photo by Sharalee Prang.

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urban market_sharaleeprang-385 copy All photos by Sharalee Prang Photography

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective presents The Urban Market. Photo by Sharalee Prang.

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective presents The Urban Market. Photo by Sharalee Prang.

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective presents The Urban Market. Photo by Sharalee Prang.

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective presents The Urban Market. Photo by Sharalee Prang.All photos by Sharalee Prang Photography

Gorgeous pics, aren’t they? Sharalee really captured the feeling of the weekend, not to mention all of the beautiful displays and products. We’re gearing up for our holiday edition of The Urban Market, which will take place on 3 consecutive weekends starting at the end of this month. You can find more information over at our Spruce Collective website. Have a great Monday!

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