Springing into Colour

Springing into Colour

February 18, 2013

Spring has been teasing us this weekend with moments of warm sunshine and it’s amazing to see what a good dose of sunlight does for the soul! Our garden is starting to bud, everything’s turning green again and it’s so much nicer to start the day with the sound of birds chirping rather that the pitter patter of endless rain drops, wouldn’t you agree? Our little taste of Spring has got me craving bold colour so here are just a few bright bursts to kick off this Monday…

Photo by Izzy Hudgins for Ruffled

Inspired by This. Photo by Joel Maus.

Blur Dress and Stacking Rings by a-thread

Lucy Fenton’s home for Inside Out.  Photo by Felix Forest.

Tine K Home via Signeplin

Mon Carnet

The Design Files. Photo by Tony Mott.

The Pink Couch

How do you add colour to your home and wardrobe at this time of year? I’m still on the hunt for the perfect area rug for our living room but think I’ll source out some bright pillow covers in the meantime. Have a great day 🙂

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