Round up: Beni Ourain Rugs

Round up: Beni Ourain Rugs

June 26, 2012

Hurricane Debby has put a damper on our sunny pool time way down here in Florida but she’s definitely made the past few days very exciting with tornado, hurricane and wind warnings.  We’ve experienced more rain in such a short period of time than we’ve ever experienced even in rainy British Columbia.  Our pool is literally 5 inches deeper and the original forecast was for 12 inches over 2 days time!  Thankfully, it seems to have let off a bit because 7 more inches of rain would have our pool overflowing.  Setting all that stressful business aside, what I really need is an area rug for our living room in a big way.  I love persians and kilm rugs but lately the Beni Ourain rugs have been calling my name. Decisions, decisions, decisions.


Madeline Stuart

Desire to Inspire

 Charlotte Home + Garden

Elle Decor, March 2009

Tom Delavan

Desire to Inspire

sfgirlbybay via West Elm

The Brick House

Now I’m off to buy groceries and replenish our stockpile of water and food.  We ate up all our reserves before we left so our emergency kit is severely lacking but we’ve got our basics and did go out early yesterday to purchase a weather radio for up to the minute weather alerts.  It’s important to be prepared as I would hate to put a burden on my neighbors should a disaster strike when I haven’t made the effort to take care of myself and my family.  But I’d rather put the money towards a rug…

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