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Resolving Happiness for the Year Ahead

Resolving Happiness for the Year Ahead

December 30, 2010

I’m not usually big on making New Year’s Resolutions…my goals to get to the gym more often, to eat better, to be more frugal and friendlier to the earth continue year ’round! But over the past few months, especially since Rachel and I have have been busy with our shop while juggling life and families, I’ve started to feel like I’m not enjoying as many of life’s little moments as I should be. It’s so easy to get distracted and overwhelmed by all of the little tasks I need to accomplish in a day and all too often it feels like a bit of a blur when the day is done. While making my to-do lists for the year ahead, I’ve also been taking mental notes about some more personal things I’d like to change in my life and my sister-in-law, Amy, who also happens to be one of my oldest and dearest friends, gave me a book that is spot on to the thoughts that have been lingering at the back of my mind…

You’ve likely heard of Gretchen Rubin‘s book, The Happiness Project. I started reading it right after writing my last blog post and was so excited after reading just the first chapter! Gretchen spent a year focusing on improving her life as it was and choosing to be a happier, more loving and more grateful person. Like her, I’m not depressed or even unhappy but I do feel like I could be giving back a lot more to the world and people around me. I am so blessed with a wonderful family, a great (and handsome!) husband, three healthy and happy kids, and many amazing friends…not to mention a faith in God that’s helped me through many rough patches along the way! But, in Gretchen’s words, “Time is passing, and I’m not focussing enough on the things that really matter.” Enough said! Time to zone back in and take action before I get too set in my zombie-mom ways! The book is broken down into 12 monthly chapters, and January’s focus, fittingly, is on Boosting Energy and her top 5 resolutions are Go to sleep earlier; Excercise better; Toss, restore, organize; Tackle a nagging task; Act more energetic. Perfect to start of the New Year, right?

Some of these lovely Etsy finds would be excellent daily reminders to keep me on task….

1. Farouche 2. TushTush 3. Lucky Bee Press 4. Type Posters

I absolutely love these recycled felt pillows by Alexandra Ferguson! Hard to ignore your resolutions when they’re propped next to you on the couch…which would you choose for the year ahead?

Alexandra Ferguson

A happy home isn’t created by furniture or decor, I know. But I do believe in surrounding oneself with things you love, especially with things that conjure up good memories and make you smile! I found these bright and lived in spaces on Pinterest and would love to curl up with a good book or share a cup of tea with a good friend in any of them…please share photo credit links if you come across them!

All found via Pinterest with bad links…please comment if you know where they’re from!

Shira Sela runs a lovely Etsy shop, Shirae, and I absolutely adore the way her illustrations portray emotion and moments in time so simply yet beautifully. The names of the following prints are also very symbolic of our walk through life…Happy Moment, Coexistance, Healing, and Looking Forward.

1. Happy Moment 2. Coexistance 3. Healing 4. Looking Forward

I would love to hear any tips on how you manage your time and juggle life without missing out on the special moments and little details…please share!

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