Pretty in Pink…and Red…and Black

Pretty in Pink…and Red…and Black

February 4, 2013

How was your weekend? Are you nursing a Super Bowl super hangover today? Football’s not my thing (although I did tune in for Beyonce’s halftime show…I thought she rocked it!) and we had a relaxing day consisting of snuggles with my tiny niece, movies on the couch, and giving my house a thorough clean. Pretty exciting 🙂 but a good way to start the busy week ahead nonetheless. I must admit that I’ve been feeling a bit of writer’s block these days. Nothing serious and it’s a good thing, pushing me to create more of my own images and my own original content to share with you. But here’s a bit of inspiration found elsewhere, in the meantime..

Paper Flowers at West Elm 


Green Wedding Shoes. Photo by Steve Steinhardt.

Wit & Whistle

Ruffled. Photo by Al Gawlik.

Caravan Shoppe via Babble

Curious Doodles

I’m off to the city for some running around for the shop and lunch with a friend but wish you all a great start to your week! Talk soon,

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