This week felt like a bit of a big blur with sick kids, lack of sleep and the hustle and bustle of life at the shop but here we are at Friday and what a special Friday it is…our sweet Sadie is 7 today! I couldn’t have dreamed up a more perfect combination of creative/feisty/sensitive/funny/beautiful/kind/inquisitive/shy and the all around bright light that makes up our sweet girl and I feel beyond blessed to be her mom! Our little lady has a love of glitter, sketches up a storm daily, devours books like they’re candy and is already planning our first trip to Paris together…my kind of girl!
Here’s a little peek at some gifts I wrapped up for the birthday gal and now I’m off to set up her after-school soiree. As requested, high tea, crafting and treats are in order so I’d better get cracking. I’ll be sure to share some pics after the weekend! Happy Birthday to Sadie and Happy Weekend to you 🙂