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Herringbone + Chevron Hardwood Floors

Herringbone + Chevron Hardwood Floors

January 16, 2012

Hello Monday! How was your weekend? Despite a rocky start with the invasion of a nasty hacker into our email account, the rest of my weekend went off without a hitch and included a great visit with Janis Nicolay (more details to come!), a late night brainstorming session with Rachel and some bonus alone time for Brad and I (hurray for grandparents!). We also got our first good snowfall of the season on Friday night and everything is looking so beautiful covered in white. I’m really hoping that we get a few more inches and can maybe even get a snow day in this week…going sledding was always more fun than going to school when I was little!

Canadian House & Home

How are you feeling about the ongoing pattern trend of chevron and herringbone stripes? On board? So over it? Well, I’m still loving it although I am enjoying the more organic and subtle versions more than the bold graphic patterns that originally caught my eye. But, nearly a year after my last post on these patterned details, I am still head-over-heels for herringbone hardwood floors…

The New York Times

Per Gunnarsson via CocoCozy

Interior Magasinet via Emmas Design Blogg. Photo by Birgitta Wolfgang Drejer.

The NY Times via The Style Files. Design by Ilse Crawford. Photo by Magnus Marding.

Photo by Pia Ulin.

There’s something so classic yet timeworn and inviting about these floors, isn’t there? Nancy over at Marcus Design has a great image showing the difference between the Chevron and Herringbone patterns but I think I’d be perfectly happy replacing our outdated laminate floors with either one…which would you choose?

Marcus Design Inc.

Last year, Lynda Reeves and her team from Canadian House & Home designed the Princess Margaret Showhome in Oakville, Ontario, using blond chevron floors extensively throughout. I especially love the matte finish as well as the transitions and change of pattern direction between rooms…

Canadian House & Home. Photo by Michael Graydon.

Canadian House & Home. Photo by Michael Graydon.

Canadian House & Home. Photo by Michael Graydon.

Not just for flooring, chevron and herringbone patterns continue to be a big hit with small shops and large retailers alike. Here are a few of my recent favourites…

Lindsey Lang via Decor8

West Elm

Nube Green

Martha Stewart via La Dolce Vita

Plume Textiles

What do you have planned for the week ahead? Rachel and I are working through some details to see if we can make a late Spring market happen and are crossing our fingers that everything (specifically the location rental) falls into place. But other than that, my calendar is looking refreshingly open…for now, anyway!

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