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Our Favourite Christmas Tradition

Our Favourite Christmas Tradition

December 17, 2012

This weekend was an emotional one for me and so very bittersweet. The tragedy in Connecticut is unspeakable. I just can’t wrap my mind around such horror and am so incredibly sad for all of the brokenhearted families living through such grief right now. We held our kids a whole lot closer this weekend, as I’m sure did parents around the world, and it was an all-too-real reminder to treasure each and every moment…even the hectic ones. How are you holding up? I can’t stop tearing up, squeezing little ones tightly and listening to Christmas music (like this and this)…

We spent Saturday night with some dear friends and their families for our 4th annual progressive dinner. 3 couples + 8 kids travel to each home over the evening for a different course, crafts for the kids, treats, gifts and more treats! Needless to say, our kids have been counting down the days for the past month! We started at our house for grownup appies and cocktails (this Cheddar and Onion Galette was a big hit as was my version of this Blackberry, Rosemary & Prosecco) and the kids made gingerbread houses…always a fail-safe activity! The kiddos got pretty serious about decorating their little cottages (and giant gingerbread men for the youngest girls) and it kept them busy the whole time. Gabe and Sadie’s are below…

Next stop was Rick and Jody’s house to feed the kids and top up our drinks. Jody’s tables and special touches are always spectacular and this year did not disappoint! From the kid-sized finger foods to the thoughtful gifts for each family, it was a magical stop…

Our final destination was Aprille and Randy’s beautiful home. More amazing gifts and a movie for the kids before getting them tucked in tight in their brand new PJ’s, another tradition! We all sat down for a late (and quiet) candlelit lasagna dinner…I think I’m still full, so good! Wine, treats (and possibly some arm-wrestling) finished the evening off perfectly and we all bunked in, only to wake up and pick up where we left off by putting together the hugest breakfast ever!

I feel so very blessed to have amazing friends like these in our lives and memories like these are irreplaceable. I so wish that I could protect my precious kids from all of the dangers and darkness in the world but I can’t. It’s easy to let the fear take over after tragedies like this but all I can do is trust, pray and count each moment with them as an honour and blessing from God. There is so little comfort in any words written or said but the heroic actions and good works of others that can still shine through such dark moments is truly astonishing. I’ll be trying to focus on the good while working harder to let my own light shine a little brighter.

The Wheatfield

Sending prayers for comfort to all of the parents and families with empty arms and broken hearts right now, in Newtown and around the world.




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