New Life for Old Books

New Life for Old Books

August 31, 2011

I never pass through a thrift store without browsing through the book section.  Lily and I love old books and between the two of us, we could start up a small library.  I have piles of coloured books that I’ve collected over time.  Turquoise, green, brown, black and more. We often layer them for a dash of colour, interest and height, if we need it, in our Birch + Bird shop photos and vignettes at home.  Lily wrote a great post awhile ago on using books for display, if you would like more inspiration.

Holly Farrell

If a book is falling apart at the seams, there is still hope for it.  We’ve found incredibly beautiful book plates that  make beautiful works of art.  The large paper punches available at craft stores or even a pair of scissors can turn old pages into unique and affordable gift tags.  Book pages from large coffee table books or atlases make great gift wrap.  Re-purposing seems to be on everyone’s mind these days, check out these book inspired images.

The Shop House via More Design Please

via Apartment Therapy


Skona Hem photographed by Patrik Hagborg

100 Layer Cake

Book:  The Repurposed Library via sfgirlbybay

Not Tom

photographed by Francesco Lagnese via You Are My Fave

1.  Country Living 2.  The Posh Blog

Speaking of books, the winner of our first ever giveaway will be announced on Friday!  Stop by to enter.  Have a great day!


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