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Making the Most of Summer…

Making the Most of Summer…

August 24, 2011

I know that we’re all saying it but it’s hard to believe that summer is almost over. For those of us on the West Coast, it seems like it’s only just begun! Despite the delay in the usual summer heat, we’ve had a really great family summer. How about you? Our kids had fun, we had just the right amount of R&R and we’re all slowly getting ready to get back into the school year swing of things. And the sun is still shining!

I never did get around to making that summer to-do list (next year, I promise!) but there are still at least a couple of things I’d like to do with my brood, a picnic being one of them. Sure, we’ve had plenty in our backyard over the summer holidays but it would be really nice to plan one with a few other friends at a local park or lake…

Eat Drink Chic

Twig & Thistle

Isn’t that DIY chevron picnic blanket great? How about these lime sorbet margaritas and grown-up s’mores? Also very great! I think my favourite summer moments have always been those impromptu, last minute dinners with friends….

1. Real Simple 2. Martha Stewart via The Ritzy Bee

What Katie Ate via Creature Comforts

Photo by Jose Villa via {Found}

We’ll be getting together with a large group of friends and their kids over the weekend for one big “last hoorah” to summer. It can get a little crazy, as most of us have 3 kids per couple, but it makes for so many fantastic family memories when we all get together. Anything left on your summer to-do list that you’re anxious to check off? I absolutely love the idea of a backyard movie night…isn’t this one featured on {Found} gorgeous? Maybe I’ll save that idea for a girls night…

Bash, Please for Design*Sponge via {Found}. Photos by Brandon Kidd.

As we’ve mentioned, we’ve got so many great things lined up for the Fall, including Fieldstone Vintage Market. Rachel and I feel very blessed by the amazing opportunities and people that have met us along our path and we are so excited for what the future will bring…

Mary Kate McDevitt

As parents, it’s easy to start thinking of years in conjunction with the average school year. We can’t take a whole lot of credit for how this past year has evolved for Birch + Bird…it seems to be a combination of meeting the right folks, surrounding ourselves with inspirational people and a whole lot of divine intervention! But, whatever the ingredients, we can’t wait to see what’s in store for the year ahead! Do you have any big goals for Fall? We’d love to hear…

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