Making My Lists, Checking Them Twice

Making My Lists, Checking Them Twice

December 16, 2010

I’m a list person. Big time. And I don’t know about you, but come this time of year, I write myself a huge list every night for what I need to do/buy/make/bake the next day. So far, I’m checking things off at a nice steady pace but it doesn’t take much…like a sick coughing child during prime productivity hours last night…to throw things off a bit. But I’m on a roll and determined to conquer Christmas with a normal pulse rate and a sincere smile on my face!

Yellow Owl To Do List by Boy Girl Party

I’ve got all but one gift bought…last one standing is for my brother-in-law and what on earth to buy a rock star just back from tour? Skinny jeans? Maybe. Booze? Possibly. Tight white t-shirts? Got those for him last year! But now to start wrapping everything else…don’t you love how simply beautiful these wrap variations by Summer Watkins are?

Grey Likes Weddings via Style Me Pretty.

Off to check some more to-do’s off of my long list!

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