I’m a list person. Big time. And I don’t know about you, but come this time of year, I write myself a huge list every night for what I need to do/buy/make/bake the next day. So far, I’m checking things off at a nice steady pace but it doesn’t take much…like a sick coughing child during prime productivity hours last night…to throw things off a bit. But I’m on a roll and determined to conquer Christmas with a normal pulse rate and a sincere smile on my face!
I’ve got all but one gift bought…last one standing is for my brother-in-law and what on earth to buy a rock star just back from tour? Skinny jeans? Maybe. Booze? Possibly. Tight white t-shirts? Got those for him last year! But now to start wrapping everything else…don’t you love how simply beautiful these wrap variations by Summer Watkins are?