Last Minute Gifts for Dad

Last Minute Gifts for Dad

June 17, 2011

I asked my girls what they think we should make for breakfast on Father’s Day and they requested crepes, with strawberries and whipped cream, of course.  After breakfast, I’m sending him away for a massage.  Then we’ll sneak off to the park so he can come back to a quiet home to catch up on some lost sleep.  Sounds good to me.

1. Folded Shirt Napkin 2. Tee – Time Cupcakes

Just in case this week was busier than you expected to be, here are a handful of ideas to celebrate Father’s Day.

1. Coupon Clip Art 2.  Paper Airplane Cards

The smallest toolbox ever.

Printable Soda Pop Tag

So, do you have big plans to celebrate Father’s Day?


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