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Keeping it Simple with Black + White

Keeping it Simple with Black + White

November 2, 2011

My head’s been feeling a little cluttered these days…so many things on the calendar, planning for our Christmas market, juggling life and kids…and I’m starting to notice that my home is reflecting my mental state. Too much stuff! I’m on a mission to do a major purge before starting any new projects and to get my house (and my thoughts) in order. It’s easy for me to get carried away with thinking ahead to the next goal or project and to lose sight of the little things in daily life…like our front entry closet, for example! I was having a very impatient moment with my sugar-loaded kids this weekend and, instead of losing it completely, I let them run wild while I took a few short moments to dump out our overflowing shoe basket and heaps of coats and organized our dumping ground of an entryway closet. It’s one of those things that’s been causing me far too much frustration over the past few weeks yet it literally took me less than 10 minutes to get it sorted out. It’s funny how little things can cause us stress yet even smaller changes can uplift our spirits, isn’t it?

After browsing Pinterest yesterday, I suddenly felt some major sensory overload from the abundance of beautiful images out there. I recently read a really interesting New York Times article and I found myself switching gears, searching for serene interiors and being drawn to the simplest and most classic colour scheme, black and white…

Sweet Detail

The Marion House Book


Anouk B Interiors

As with fashion, it’s pretty hard to go wrong with black and white interiors. Interest can be added with texture and pattern and it’s the most neutral backdrop for colourful accents. I don’t think I could live in a strictly two-toned environment but I think you’ll agree with me that these black and white spaces are far from boring…

Skona Hem

Canadian House & Home

IKEA via Design Shimmer

Martha Stewart


Looking for some black and white to add to your already colourful space? Art, throw pillows and other accessories will work in your home no matter what colour changes may happen in the future…

Leah Duncan

Pillow Throw Decor

Type Posters

Help Ink

Do you find that your living space reflects your mental space, too? Starting with the messy desk that I’m staring at now, I’m devoting today to clearing out both and creating a fresh slate for the busy holiday months ahead. Wish me luck!

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