Indoor Gardening
March 1, 2012
This past weekend we visited Gatorland…yes, Gatorland. It happens to be Florida’s oldest attraction, founded in 1949. The 110 acre park is filled with more reptiles than I’ve ever seen in my life. The girls loved it although they are now terrified of snakes and spiders. I guess this is a good thing since there happens to be a long list of dangerous bugs, snakes and animals here but I’d rather them be cautious and brave. So, we’ll be learning, who’s a friend and who’s not, as we go. After taking in most of the attraction, we meandered through the swamp walk and it was a fascinating introduction to Florida’s flora and fauna. I wish there was more signage to identify the plants but I did notice air plants clinging to almost every tree.
I think it’s a good thing to keep at least one plant in your home. Something else that breathes life, that you can come home to and care for. A plant or two can add texture and a pop of colour to a room that might otherwise feel bland. And some even have air purifying qualities according to NASA. Succulents and air plants seem to be all the rage as we noticed on our recent trip to Seattle. West Elm had several varieties for purchase and they looked especially lovely under glass cloches or resting on large pieces of driftwood. Are you an indoor gardener?
The Marion House Book via Bloesem
It’s been awhile since I’ve cared for a house plant. The lack of light in our last home made it too much of a struggle to keep plants alive. I look forward to starting a small plant collection that might fill in the empty spaces of our townhouse. If this drizzle keeps up, a stop at the local nursery might be in order this afternoon. Any suggestions for my first purchase?