In with the New: A Fresh Start

In with the New: A Fresh Start

January 6, 2014

Happy New Year! How is 2014 treating you so far? My year started off with a bang, not the good kind unfortunately, so I’m off to a bumpier start than I’d thought in my personal life. But the kiddos are back to school today (yay!) and I’m looking forward to getting back into the routine of things, especially work at the shop and working out. The fact that I’m actually looking forward to working out is a miracle in itself, something I wouldn’t have imagined 4 months ago when I headed back to the gym! My Spruce partners and I decided to consider February 1st the start of our year for goal planning etc. It’s really taken the pressure off of ourselves and given us time to regroup after a busy Holiday season. Now, I’m not a huge resolution girl but do love setting attainable goals for myself. Starting February, I’ll be jotting down more specific monthly goals but here’s a peek at my overall resolutions for the year and some other inspirational thoughts that keep me going when the going gets tough:

Birch + Bird: Lily's New Year's ResolutionsMy New Year’s Resolutions (thanks Bing and Alt Summit for the monthly goal cards!)

Noel ShiveleyNoel Shiveley

Invisible CrownInvisible Crown

Katie Stratton: Pencil Box ShopKatie Stratton (Pencil Box Shop)

The Every GirlThe Every Girl

Hope that this Monday is treating you well but if for some reason it isn’t, keep your chin up and I’ll be right there with you!

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