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Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

October 24, 2011

Well, my weekend was full!  I’ve been frantically trying to get my house in ship shape for this coming weekend when the realtor comes in with a virtual camera.  Oh, the pressure!  I’m not sure I’ll get everything checked off my list and I figured last night that should really focus on the obvious things that the camera will pick up on.  Then I’ll pick away at my list between trying to keep it clean and the showings.  The other part of my weekend was spent doing fun stuff like playdates and coffee with good friends, belated turkey dinner with family and not cooking for one whole day!  We also got our family photos taken which we haven’t done in years.  With my parent’s 40th wedding anniversary this year, our big move across the continent and our families “complete”, we figured that now was a better time than ever.  We called upon Sharalee Prang so she could work her magic since she did such a spectacular job of capturing the Fieldstone Vintage Market.  We had so much fun and I know we’ll treasure these photos for some time.  We certainly lucked out with the weather again, that’s for sure.


Old House


James H. Nunnally House via About.com

We’ve been stalking the Florida real estate market for months now trying to find a great place to call home for this next chapter in our lives.  I’m learning that I might be more picky than I’d like to admit but as I was chatting about houses with my good friend recently, you just “know” what it’s the right one.  I love the character of old homes.  I’d be living in a dream if we came across the perfect Mid Century, Spanish Colonial or Florida Bungalow.  So, I’m picky yet flexible or undecided?  But it’s really difficult to find anything lovingly cared for in it’s original condition or renovated with dignity and not stripped of all it’s charm, if you know what I mean.  Which one would you move into?

 Kenneth Knight


 Bungalow Heaven L.A. Places

 Modern South Florida



I wanted to thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and for sharing your relocation adventures with me.  It’s good to hear stories from people who’ve gone through this before.  Enjoy your week wherever your home is!

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