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Hide and seek…

Hide and seek…

February 23, 2011

Lily and I love to pull nature into our homes any chance we get.  I’m waiting for my Japanese Maple tree to start sprouting it’s pretty red leaves so I can bring a few branches inside.  It sets off quite a display and is a good reminder of warmer weather that is just around the corner.  Another source of nature that is quite popular right now, is the use of shed deer antlers and animal hides in decor.  In fact, we have a few waiting in store for our shop and we found a couple more on our recent shopping expedition.  This quirky trend has been seen before, possibly in the homes of our parents in the 70s.

Papa Stour

I realize that antlers might not be everybody’s idea of design but you have to admit they are certainly interesting at the very least.  What do you think of this pretty feminine office and it’s very masculine display of sheds?  A little too much for you?  Or just right?


What about just one set then?   The soaring windows in this bright and lofty kitchen are to die for, by the way.


I love how the antlers bring this quaint living space back to reality.  This collage of antlers is displayed at the BOULEVARD – LEOPOLD, a historical vacation rental in Antwerp.  The details in this building are truly divine.  You should really stop by to have a look and if you are lucky enough to stay, please be sure to tell us all about it.

BOULEVARD – LEOPOLD via Honey Kennedy

Are you scratching your head as to where you would find a set of antlers?  Well, if you spend any time in the forest, your best chances of finding your very own are between the months of January and April when deer naturally shed.  Of course, there is always Etsy.  This screen printed pillow is hot off the press at o’Darlin.  This shiny black pair is guilt-free and vegan.  If black isn’t your colour, there are pink, blue and yellow options too!  And Modish Vintage has the real deal, vintage of course.  If  having antlers in the home really doesn’t suit your taste, then maybe I can tempt you with this Deer In Love necklace. 1. o’Darlin 2. Pedal Your Blues Away 3. Modish Vintage 4. Rachel Pfeffer Designs

I stumbled upon Jamie and Larry Oliver’s home in The Etsy Blog’s Get the Look Decor feature and fell in love with their space .  Their choices are unexpected and definitely humorous.

The Etsy Blog

I came across Rachel Denny‘s cashmere, cable knit taxidermy awhile ago now.  What do you think?  These hand cast mounted antlers are available individually or as a set.

1. Rachel Denny 2. Ballad Designs

So, tell me…antlers, yay or nay?

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