Hello, Yellow!

Hello, Yellow!

March 8, 2013

This week has been a doozie. Sick kids, sick me, a midnight trip to the ER (for Gabe’s croup, but he’s on the mend now) and a major lack of sleep all around really took the wind out of my sails. But so goes life sometimes and there is always light at the end of each rough patch, right? So, let’s say “hit the road” to the past week and chase away these winter blues (and germs!) with a bright dose of sunshine, once and for all…

Nuevo Estilo

Emily Henderson with Yeah Rentals

SPRK. Photo by Richard Leo Johnson.

The Mod Collective

Oh Happy Day

A Beautiful Mess

Love + Olive Oil

I’m off to work today and tomorrow and must admit that I’m looking forward to a couple of days out of the house! Cabin fever was setting in at full force (for all of us) but, fingers crossed, the worst is surely behind us. Have a bright and beautiful weekend!


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