Fresh Florals: Sweet + Simple

Fresh Florals: Sweet + Simple

July 31, 2013

I love fresh flowers (I mean, who doesn’t?) but I find our local grocery stores sorely lacking in the bouquet department. Dyed blue + purple mums? Um, no thank you! But if you live in my neighbourhood, you’ll very likely see me snipping away at my lavender, sedum + succulents before company arrives…at the last minute, of course. I planted hens + chicks this year and they bloomed the most amazing neon yellow “trailers” that are perfect for plucking. You can see a few in this bouquet…

My backyard blooms

Skona Hem

Once Wed



Eva Juliet

Martha Stewart

I love having greenery on our table and near my computer…makes even the most mundane tasks just that little bit more cheerful! What are your fave blooms? Do you grow them yourself, buy them or “borrow” from a friendly neighbour? I’m very good at cutting my plants but maybe not so excellent at weeding…ah, well! Have a bright Wednesday 🙂

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