For the Kids

For the Kids

June 11, 2012

It’s my youngest daughter’s fourth birthday today…Happy Birthday Lilah! I cannot believe how fast the time has flown (I know all parents say that but it’s so true!) and I’m feeling just a teeny bit sad that my baby isn’t such a baby anymore! But I really love the little person that she’s becoming and she makes us all laugh everyday. She truly was the icing on the cake for our family! Lilah also happened to be born on the same day as another one of my favourite people, my sister-in-law Amy (who’s also one of my oldest dearest friends)…Happy Birthday to you too Famous Amos! My house is about to be invaded by nine 3-4 year olds followed by a houseful of family coming for dinner so I’ll keep this post short and sweet. Summer is coming and I don’t want to be caught off guard this year when it comes to affordable ways to entertain our kids and encourage them to use their own imagination. I do have a few day camps booked but here are some more great DIY’s and inspiring spaces to get the creative ball rolling…

Ana White

Style Me Pretty

House to Home

Livet Hemma

Simple As That


Lindsay & Drew

Kate’s Creative SpaceHouse to Home

Mr. Printables

Happy Birthday sweet girl!

Have you thought ahead to the long (and hopefully sunny) days of summer ahead? We don’t have any big vacation plans booked this year but will be trying to catch up on a few projects around the house, with a few weekend getaways mixed in for good measure. Brad just bought a trampoline for the kids last weekend and so far it’s been a hit, even in torrential downpours! Hopefully the novelty doesn’t wear off too soon…have a marvellous Monday!

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