Feeling Crafty for the Fall

Feeling Crafty for the Fall

September 5, 2012

September is officially here and the kids are settling into their first full day of school today. I think parents nationwide are sharing a collective sigh of relief! We had a great summer but, by last week, I think we’d all had enough family fun for a while…at least in such large doses! I’m really looking forward into getting into somewhat of a routine and being able to spend solid chunks of time focussed on our new shop without feeling like I’m taking away from play time with the kids. Our opening date is soooo very close and we still have a number of little details to wrap up. One of the perks of partnering up with such an amazing group of girls has been the abundance of creative ideas between us! We could very well get carried away but so far its been beyond exciting to watch each little suggestion or idea blossom into a feature unique to our shop. We’ve all been taking plenty of before pics of the space itself and all of the “field trips” in between and I can’t wait to share them with you, after we open our doors to the public. Until then, I’ll share some other inspiring and crafty pics to get your creative DIY juices flowing…

Photo by Kyle Johnson for Design*Sponge

The Marion House Book

DIY Network

Handmade Charlotte

Oleander & Palm

Design for Mankind

Christina Diaz

Do you have any Fall projects on the go or are there any you’ve been dying to get started on? Please share because I’d love to hear! It’s always so satisfying to get even small little creative tasks accomplished, isn’t it? And they’re always so much easier to dig into when the kidlets are happily off to school 🙂




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