Craving Spring + Saying Goodbye
February 21, 2012
I must admit that I’m feeling a little blue this week. It could be from anticipating the 55mm of rain that is expected to fall steadily today but it’s more likely due to the reality of the moving trucks that were in Rachel’s driveway yesterday. I’ll soon be seeing a whole lot less of her and her family, a fact that I’ve been trying hard not to think about it for a very long time, and it’s suddenly becoming very real. It’s not often in adulthood to make such a strong bond with an entire family. We already miss her husband Aaron very much and my girls’ have been writing endless friendship/love letters to her twin daughters, ready to pop in the mail. I think it’s going to be heartbreaking all around! Now, I know that we’ll see them soon, at the end of May in fact, but the thought of not having Rachel just around the corner to meet for sushi, an impromptu junk hunt or our sleepover/work nights with the kids, is making me very sad. Our friendship and business partnership has just been so easy and I’ll miss her even more than I think I can imagine. They’ve become that special breed of friends, you know, the ones who feel like close family…but without the drama! I’ll lighten the mood now with some Spring-inspired colour…
Photo by Robert Caruso for Chatelaine via Poppytalk
Photo by Jemma Keech. Flowers by Amy Osaba.
Petra Bindel. Home of Helle Hogsbro Krag.
Thankfully, our work is based almost entirely online and there is great technology like Skype and FaceTime available to help make the distance feel less broad. And it will just make our future times together all the more special, especially with somewhere as hot and sun-filled as Florida to visit! I am so happy for Rachel and her family, despite my mingled sadness, and am so proud of them for embarking on such an amazing adventure together. Bon Voyage dear friends!