Christmas Gifts for Teachers

Christmas Gifts for Teachers

November 23, 2011

Our girls are in their second year of elementary school and we’ve been blessed with wonderful teachers both years.  They are passionate about what they do and love our children dearly.  I appreciate all that they do so much and the impact they’ve had on our girls will stay with them for a lifetime.  It’s always nice to give a little something especially at Christmas and I found a handful of gifts that you can buy or make.  So, there’s no excuse to leave the teachers off your Christmas list this season.

 Utah Bride Blog

 Glorious Girl Jewelry


 Urban Harmonie

 1.  coin purse  2.  apple cozy  3.  custom stamp

Creative Jewish Mom

1.  spool card  2.  candy label  3.  chalkboard pendant

Corn Flower Blue Studio

A teacher takes a hand, opens a door and touches a heart.  ~ Unknown

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