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Category: Colour

All that Glitters: Gold for the Weekend

March 1, 2013

It’s Friday, yeah! And better yet, I’m making a run for the city, double yeah! I’ll be hanging with a couple of friends tonight for an impromptu girls night out before meeting up with my  Spruce girls to set our vintage rentals on display at the Hush wedding show on Saturday night…the perfect mix of work and play!  Despite the never ending downpour outside, I thought I’d get this weekend started off on the right foot with a dash of glamour and what could be more glamourous or on trend than gold! If you’ve met me, you’ll probably recognize this necklace (I’ve been wearing it longer than I can remember) which was given to me when I was 9 by my Baba and Dida (Croatian for Grandma + Grandpa). My sister has one with her name on it too and I plan to get similar ones made for my girls when they’re a little bit older…

My namesake necklace

I fell in love with this kitchen some time ago and haven’t been able to look at chrome hardware in quite the same way ever since. I know, I know, it feels like you just finally purged the ’80’s out of your kitchen and it’s all come full circle, right? Ah, but so it goes and I’m loving the revised clean lines and minimal take on warm metals this time ’round…

Matthew Williams for Dwell via Camille Styles

West Elm Martini Side Table

Rue via SF Girl by Bay

Lovely Indeed

Emily Henderson

Luna Lighting

NY Times via Automatism

Although some may cringe, I’m a big fan of mixed metals too…no matchy matchy for me! Worried your new stainless steel appliances will clash with burnished bronze accents in your kitchen? Don’t be. They’ll warm it up and add character in no time! Enjoy your weekend…I know I will 🙂

Bright Spaces for a Bleak Monday

February 25, 2013

Despite my positive thoughts to encourage warm Spring sunshine to stick around, the weather has been pretty manic lately. Pouring rain, beaming sunshine and even a random hail shower all made regular appearances over the weekend. Needless to say, it’s hard to know how to dress each morning! I know that it’s still February for a few more days but I wonder if March is getting a head start…In like a lion, out like a lamb, as the saying goes. Hopefully that means milder temperatures will get a head start too! In the meantime, here are a few more bright spaces to cheer us all up on this soggy Monday morning…

Country Living

Lovely Life

Pencil Box

West Elm

Wood & Wool Stool via SF Girl by Bay

A Beautiful Mess

The Design Files

I’ve got a busy week ahead, how about you? We’ve had an exceptionally busy start to the year at Spruce Collective and I don’t feel like I’ve had many moments to catch up. Definitely not a bad thing but I’m hoping to settle into somewhat of a routine at some point soon. It’s hard to believe that we’ve already been open for 6 months! I’ll be sure to share some pics of what we’ve been up to at the shop with you soon. Have a great start to the week!

Bright + Airy: An Eclectic Vancouver Home

February 20, 2013

The photo below caught my eye on Facebook the other day and when I checked out the rest of the space, I knew that this home was far too good not to share! Shot by Vancouver photographer Tracey Ayton (whom I’ve had the pleasure of hanging out with at several local blogging events!) and designed by the talented duo over at A Good Chick to Know, this family condo exudes light, personality and all-around perfection in my books! It’s currently featured in the new Seattle-based magazine, Gray, for good reason. But don’t take my word for it, come see for yourself….

Tracey Ayton Photography for Gray Magazine. Design by A Good Chick to Know.

I just love all of the vintage touches and layers of pattern and colour that have been combined together to create this liveable family home. Set against a backdrop of crisp white walls, the result is effortlessly young and fresh without feeling trendy…not the easiest look/vibe/feeling to achieve but Jennifer and Megan have done it oh so well! Be sure to pop by their blog to see more of Tracey‘s fab pics of the space…

Tracey Ayton Photography for Gray Magazine. Design by A Good Chick to Know.

Tracey Ayton Photography for Gray Magazine. Design by A Good Chick to Know.

Tracey Ayton Photography for Gray Magazine. Design by A Good Chick to Know.

Ah, now I’m even more inspired to tackle some of my own design projects! Brad’s back from Florida and is putting the finishing touches on our tiny ensuite bath so I’m excited to share some before and afters very soon. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Happy Friday and more coral!

August 10, 2012

Exciting things are happening around here, that’s for sure!  I’m so sad to be so very far away from all the action as Lily and company set up shop, a “real” shop.  Yeah!  I wish them all the very best and I will make sure it is one of my stops when we visit home.  I’ve got news of my own although it’s not nearly as exciting.  With our recent major life change, I feel like I need to really dive into the experience and make myself available to the opportunity that lies in wait for me here in Florida.  So, in order to do that, I’ll be taking a break from blogging for awhile.  I’m not exactly sure for how long at the moment but at least long enough for me to feel like my feet are more firmly planted here on the ground.  It’s been a fantastic couple years with Lily and I definitely miss having her only 4 minutes down the road but our paths have changed and we now need to go with the flow.

Design Atelier Article

Cannelle et Vanille

Opening Ceremon

Cast & Crew

Bon Appetit

Butterscotch & Beesting


Needs Supply Co.

via Messy Nessy Chic

I’ll finish up with a couple posts next week and then I’m off on my own adventures. Thank you so much for stopping by to read what’s inspiring us and for leaving us encouraging comments, some of you almost daily.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


April 20, 2011

With our shady lot, I’ve been a bit deprived of flowers so I’ve been looking around for some kind of flowering plant to add in the small patch of our yard that does get some sun.  I haven’t pinpointed a suitable plant yet but I do have a few on my list.  Whatever it ends up being will have to be hardy.   That small spot of yard dries out in the heat of the summer and as much as I love to garden, I can’t be out everyday tending to high maintenance plants.  One of my favourite flowers is the Ranunculus.  These generously sized flowers are relatives to the common buttercup.  And since buttercups love our lawn, I am hoping that the Ranunculus may be the lucky candidate.  I still need to do a little research before any decisions are made.

Jackie Reuda

There are over 400 varieties of Ranunculus but I especially like the varieties with layers upon layers of petals.  They make a wonderful cut flower and with the wedding season fast upon us, you may see more and more of this lovely rose-like flower in bouquets and table centerpieces.  They hold their own very well but look just as stunning combined with other flowers especially poppies, tulips and roses as well as interesting filler, like the pussy willow below.

1. Holly Becker via Lolalina 2. Pink Lily Press 3.  Honeytree


1. From My Atelier 2. Whitney Smith 3. Design*Sponge

1. Design*Sponge 2. Beacon Lane

Rock Paper Scissors Events

I remember from planning my own wedding, that not all flowers are as available as you might like them to be or they tend to be fairly expensive if they are not local.  I loved this lovely paper version and I think they are just as stunning as the real thing.  Sunny & Stumpy has a good selection of pretty blossoms to choose from and if you are the crafty type, there is even a DIY kit for you to try.

Sunny & Stumpy

Pretty, right?