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Bold Colour at Husky Ranch

Bold Colour at Husky Ranch

March 16, 2012

Well, hello again! This week has just been a blur of children looking for things to do, play dates, indoor play places and market planning…thank God it’s Friday! Truthfully, it hasn’t been all that bad and it’s been really nice to have more than a few lazy mornings, especially with the wonky weather that we’ve been having. Yesterday was the cut off for applications for Scout Handmade + Vintage Market and we are so excited to announce the 50 amazing vendors who will be joining us on May 25th-26th! Although we couldn’t be more thrilled with the flood of talented sellers who applied, it was very difficult this time ’round to not be able to include all 74 applicants. I suppose it’s a good thing that so many vendors are eager to join us for our fourth market and hopefully one day we’ll have a large enough space to allow everybody join in on the fun!

Design*Sponge. Photo by Laure Joliet.

You may have seen Grace Hsiu‘s colourful home featured on Design*Sponge earlier this week. Photographed by Laure Joliet and styled by Morgan Satterfield and Abigail Stone, this home tour was just too full of warmth and to-die-for rugs not to be shared…

Design*Sponge. Photo by Laure Joliet.

Design*Sponge. Photo by Laure Joliet.

Design*Sponge. Photo by Laure Joliet.

Did I mention that I’m in love with all of the vibrant rugs? Not to mention the other pops of colour and bold artwork throughout this home. And don’t even get me started on Grace’s enviable collection of vintage chairs! Yet, she still manages to make them all look perfectly at home all together in one space….

Design*Sponge. Photo by Laure Joliet.

Design*Sponge. Photo by Laure Joliet.

Design*Sponge. Photo by Laure Joliet.

Design*Sponge. Photo by Laure Joliet.

Wishing you all a bright weekend ahead! If it can’t be filled with sunshine, at least be sure to bring some colour into your own space and don’t forget to come visit our Scout vendors and their links over on our market blog. See you soon!


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