Black + White Stripes

Black + White Stripes

March 29, 2012

Lily and I are tackling our bookkeeping this week.  It’s just another moment where I find myself missing her…bookkeeping is so much tolerable with a friend.  On top of that, we’re trying to close on this house.  So needless to say, I’m knee deep in paperwork but wanted to share with you a collection of stripes before I rush off to keep crunching numbers!  Stripes add a tonne of drama.  Even in small doses stripes make quite the impact but I have to say that the spaces that took a large dose are also stunning.  What do you think?  A little or a lot?




 Rios Clement Hale. Photos by Dominique Vorillion

 Style Me Pretty

 Liz Caan Interiors



Lily and I are aiming to have our paperwork ready for the accountant by the end of the week!  Hopefully, our eyes will stay uncrossed and our kids happy until then.

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