All is Calm: Minimal Christmas Decor
November 23, 2012
Three out of five of us were under the weather with a bad head cold yesterday but I must admit that it was kind of nice to hunker down and watch movies in our PJ’s all day…minus the nose blowing and coughing fits, of course! Life has been so busy and we’re all still getting used to my new work schedule so it was a restful change to just stop and do nothing for a day. Well, almost nothing. I have a hard time staying away from the computer but found some holiday inspiration in between answering emails and refereeing kids with cabin fever . I’m a huge fan of colourful Christmas decor but must say that I find these neutral minimal themes very peaceful and intriguing….
Vosges Paris via Emmas DesignBlogg
Could you do Christmas in black and white? I think I’d have to add in at least a little bit of colour but these Scandinavian spaces are beautiful all the same. What are your plans for the weekend? Thankfully we all seem to be on the mend but I think we’d best take it easy for the next couple of days to kick this nasty bug once and for all. Wishing you a happy and healthy weekend 🙂