A Weekend Shopping Trip Across the Line
September 29, 2010
On Saturday, we finally crossed the border and enjoyed a full day of garage sale-ing, thrifting, estate sales and more. We’ve literally been planning a trip like this for months and are so glad it finally happened. The pouring rain of the week was washed away by sunshine and wind…the perfect combination to help us shop ’til we dropped! Our plan was to hit as many garage sales as we could in the morning, then browse the Goodwill, ReStore and other thrift stores, ending up at Target and….the icing on the cake….Anthropologie! The only thing we’ll change on our next American adventure is, instead of one day, we’ll make it three!
Here’s a little taste of our Saturday…
Our first stop was an estate sale that worth the hunt (we made 4 stops until we finally found a gas station map of Whatcom County!) and we can’t wait to take photos of our finds for the shop later this week! We found some more garage sales and a museum tag sale before having a divine lunch of beer and pizza at the Chuckanut Brewery in Bellingham, WA. The historical homes and neighborhoods completely charmed us and after lunch we walked until our feet begged us to stop!
Two of our favourite shops were on West Holly Street…a fabulous vintage store called Penny Lane (sadly, no website, and it was too busy inside for us to talk to the owner and ask to take pictures) and Digs, mostly designer goods with a smattering of vintage upstairs…amazing!
And, while we were wandering, the most unbelievable 3 large metal signs caught our eye…leaning up against an abandoned recycling dumpster! They were begging us to adopt them and made us happy every time we opened the trunk…FREE!!! They have been proudly perched on display in each of our homes!
After some more thrift shops, we added onto our journey and made the extra hour and a half trek to the only Anthropologie store remotely near to us in Bellevue, WA…let’s just say it’s a good thing (for our wallets, anyway!) that there’s not one closer! Then a Target run, a 10pm dinner and we finally crossed the border just after midnight!
Here are just a few lovelies from Anthropologie that caught our eye…
Antropology Love by birchandbird featuring anthropologie tops
Pride and Prejudice, $20
Etcetera: Creating Beautiful Interiors With The Things You Love, $35
Milkmaid Butter Dish, $28
Pure & Good Hand Soap, $22
Creature Kingdom Hook, Owl, $20
Rosy Knob, $6
Flowering Durum Heels, $248
Pal Of Athena Ring Box, $18
Greyscale Hat, $48
Calandria Armchair, Longshore, $1,598
Room Décor – At Home – Anthropologie.com, 74 AUD
Small Rope Magnifier, $16
Shell Measuring Spoons, $12