A Mediterranean Getaway

A Mediterranean Getaway

March 30, 2012

Well, hello Friday…back again so soon! How was your week? Mine seemed to go by very quickly and I’m feeling relatively caught up around the house and with our bookkeeping and paperwork, although my head is feeling a little full of numbers and lists. Why is tax season so easy to push aside? I suppose it’s because we’ve got more exciting things to do like visiting new shops and market planning. Speaking of shops, I’m off to The Cross in Yaletown today to see what’s fresh and beautiful for Spring in their store. I’m looking forward to stepping away from the screen and visiting with some other local bloggers and friends and I’ll be bringing my camera along this time so stay tuned for some pics of their gorgeous vignettes next week. Since we’ve been feeling the love for beachy pastels and all things nautical around here this week, I thought I’d prep you for the weekend with some pics of this stunning Mediterranean home….

All images Planete Deco via Nuevo Estilo

All images Planete Deco via Nuevo Estilo

 I would gladly clear my head of taxes and numbers here! Can’t you just imagine the al fresco dinners you could have on that beautiful patio? I sure can. Happy Weekend, everybody!

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