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Week + End: Giving Thanks

Week + End: Giving Thanks

October 11, 2013

It’s Thanksgiving weekend for us Canadians and I have ever so much to be thankful for. Life is busy and it’s easy to focus on the things that I’m lacking, the house projects we can’t afford or the to-do’s that I haven’t checked off of that list when I should really be making a conscious effort to count my many blessings each day. Today, I’m especially thankful for my beautiful kids, husband and family (they’re healthy + happy + they’ve always got my back), my amazing friends and business partners (they support me and help me grow in oh-so-many ways), my own health (I may have a head cold + a few spare pounds but I’m strong and well), our cozy family home (it keeps us safe + warm + inspired with endless projects) and for the past incredible year with Spruce Collective (it was truly meant to be, in every way possible).

While I’m ahead of the game and already cooked my first turkey dinner last weekend (phew!), here are some inspiring tables and settings for your festive feasts:

1. These tree ring chargers are simply beautiful:

Birch + Bird: Wedding ChicksWedding Chicks

2. Absolutely in love with Shanna Murray‘s new collaboration with West Elm:

Birch + Bird: Shanna Murray for West ElmShanna Murray for West Elm

3. The combination of florals, vegetables, cutting boards + individual baguettes at the wedding table are perfection:

Birch + Bird: Photo by Clayton Austin for Style Me Pretty.Photo by Clayton Austin for Style Me Pretty

4. This chalkboard runner is a sweet and personal touch for any table setting:

Birch + Bird: Jeanne Oliver DesignsJeanne Oliver Designs

5. Mildly obsessed with demi-johns and these ones look extra festive with fall trimmings:

Birch + Bird: Vibeke DesignVibeke Design

This weekend, we’ll be plugging through our basement renos, celebrating a good friend’s birthday and sharing a yummy turkey dinner with my side of the family. Lots to do but we’ll be taking time to enjoy each moment as it comes. What are you thankful for and how will you be spending the long weekend? I’d love to hear 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!

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