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Birch + Bird Vintage Home Interiors

Holiday Style from Rue

November 30, 2012

Well, the rain has returned and the forecast is for much, much more so I’m not too sure if we’ll make it to the tree farm after all this weekend. Each year I let the kids put up a small artificial tree in our daughters’ shared room though so we can at least get that one up and festooned with all of their adorable handmade trinkets. But if the clouds happen to part for long enough, you can bet we’ll be racing to the outskirts of town, rubber boots and all! Can you believe that tomorrow is December 1st? Seriously, where on earth did the last three months go?!? I’m off to stock up on treats and trinkets for our advent calendar now but will leave you with some gorgeous Christmas inspiration from the latest edition of Rue Magazine

Photo by Ilenia Martini for Rue

Photo by Emily Johnston Anderson for Rue

Photo by Emily Johnston Anderson for Rue

Photo by Ilenia Martini for Rue

Photo by Emily Johnston Anderson for Rue

Photo by Ilenia Martini for Rue

Photo by Emily Johnston Anderson for Rue

Will you be decorating for the holidays this weekend too or is the mistletoe already hanging in your home? I know that some people like to wait a little longer and leave the tree up until after New Year’s but I’ve gotten into the habit of taking the tree down on Boxing Day for the last couple of years. Bah humbug, some may say, but I must say it feels so fantastic to get the presents and ornaments put away in their rightful place after all of the festivities! Have a wonderful weekend 🙂


Into the Wild with Kinfolk

November 28, 2012

We’ll very likely be doing our annual family trek to the tree farm this weekend and I’m actually really excited about getting our house decorated for Christmas! I wasn’t so sure that I would be after decorating at the shop (and un-decorating then redecorating again…but I’ll fill you in more on that at a later date 😉 and being surrounded by ornaments so early in the season. But I took the dog for a walk a couple of nights ago and the crisp chill, sparkling lights and smell of woodsmoke in the air were the perfect combination to get me in the holiday spirit all over again. Do you get a fresh tree each year like we do? These outdoorsy images I found over at Kinfolk made me  think I could almost smell the fresh-cut scent of pine…

Photos by Parker Fitzgerald for Kinfolk

Photo by Young & Hungry for Kinfolk

Photos by Parker Fitzgeralk for Kinfolk

Whether it be the real deal or artificial, it doesn’t quite feel like Christmas around here until the tree is up. My kids are excited about everything to do with the holidays, especially getting started on our advent calendar. I’ll be sure to post some pictures and a list of the activity notes that I’ll be tucking into each day. Hope your week is going well!


Cozy and Bright

November 26, 2012

There’s a definite chill in the air these days and I’ve heard rumours of snow on the horizon. With only a week until December, days are busy but evenings are the perfect time to curl up on the couch in front of the fireplace. It doesn’t take much to make a space cozy…layers of pillows, throws, area rugs…and I seem to be drawn most to rooms that include texture and pattern as well. I’ve been craving colour in my living room for some time now but am still on the lookout for the perfect new area rug, well, one that’s within my price range anyway! Here are some cozy spaces that I’d love to cuddle up and read a good book in…

Photo by Quentin Bacon for Country Living

Tina Hellberg for Elle Interior

The Selby

Helt Enkelt

Photo by Angelita Bonetti for The Design Files

Photo by Miki Duisterhof for Country Living

Apartment Therapy

What are your perfect ingredients for a cozy nook? And have you read any good books lately because I’m in dire need of a good read. Please share and have a wonderful Monday 🙂


All is Calm: Minimal Christmas Decor

November 23, 2012

Three out of five of us were under the weather with a bad head cold yesterday but I must admit that it was kind of nice to hunker down and watch movies in our PJ’s all day…minus the nose blowing and coughing fits, of course! Life has been so busy and we’re all still getting used to my new work schedule so it was a restful change to just stop and do nothing for a day. Well, almost nothing. I have a hard time staying away from the computer but found some holiday inspiration in between answering emails and refereeing kids with cabin fever . I’m a huge fan of colourful Christmas decor but must say that I find these neutral minimal themes very peaceful and intriguing….

Vosges Paris via Emmas DesignBlogg


West Elm

Lily & Val

Analeena’s Hem

Inspiration Design Blogg

Daniella Witte

Could you do Christmas in black and white? I think I’d have to add in at least a little bit of colour but these Scandinavian spaces are beautiful all the same. What are your plans for the weekend? Thankfully we all seem to be on the mend but I think we’d best take it easy for the next couple of days to kick this nasty bug once and for all. Wishing you a happy and healthy weekend 🙂





Kid Friendly for the Holidays

November 21, 2012

This week has been a whirlwind, to say the least, and I’m looking forward to the weekend already! This month has simply flown by and I think it’s time to get serious about my holiday planning. I really don’t want the kids to miss out on any of our family traditions due to my busy new schedule so it will definitely take some forethought to be ready for December. Rachel and I each made an advent calendar last year and I think I’ll tuck some little notes inside the buckets this time ’round, to be sure that we take time for the little things like making paper chains, hanging mistletoe and ice skating each day. Here’s some more family-friendly inspiration…

Apartment Therapy

Sugar Lander

Design Mom

Small Fry

Small Fry

Oh Happy Day

The shop is so festive and smells of fresh cut cedar boughs right now and it’s really getting me into the spirit of things. The kids are counting down until we make our family trek to the local tree farm to find our perfect tree in a couple of weeks, one of our favourite outings each year! We’re also counting down until my new niece or nephew arrives…a perfect bundle, just in time for Christmas 🙂





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