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Five for Friday: Love-ly Valentine’s Day DIY’s

Five for Friday: Love-ly Valentine’s Day DIY’s

February 7, 2014

I’m off like a shot today, finishing up some work at the store before doing the final prep for Sadie’s birthday party later this afternoon. But before I zip off,  thank you so much for your encouraging comments and emails (and even a few in-person conversations)  after my last post! Sounds like most of you can relate to being overwhelmed on the home front in some form or another and it was really great hearing about your own experiences, tips and advice for how to juggle family and work or, more importantly, when to realize you simply just can’t do it all. So true. I won’t be taking on any extra projects this weekend but if I were, I’d definitely try my hand at one of these Valentine’s-inspired DIY’s:

1. I love a good marquee letter sign and this one is so cute for V-Day, weddings or just about anywhere really:

This Heart of Mine: DIY Marquee Sign for Valentine Day

2. There’s something especially lovely about the latest “naked” cake trend. Understated beauty is the best kind, isn’t it? I think so:

My Name is Yeh: Valentine's CakeMy Name is Yeh: Valentine’s Cake

3. Speaking of beauty, Sunday Suppers is hosting a flower shop on Valentine’s Day (it’s in Brooklyn, NY) but I would love to learn how to make gorgeous “undone” bouquets like this one:

Sunday Suppers: Flower Shop ClassSunday Suppers

4. Oh, Emily Henderson. You, your style and your adorable baby have my heart (your husband’s ok, too 😉 and this embossed pillow would be perfect for one of my girls’ bedrooms. How cute to make as a gift for friends:

Emily Henderson: DIY-Embossed-PillowEmily Henderson: DIY-Embossed-Pillow

5. I’ve got a minor thing for dishtowels these days, not super sure why, but I just ordered a tonne for the shop (shh, the invoice hasn’t arrived yet) and I don’t own any particularly nice ones of my own. So many would look great framed though and I think these DIY ones would be an especially thoughtful gift:

Say Yes: DIY Tea ClothsSay Yes: DIY Tea Cloths

That’s all for now! Off I go but wish me luck entertaining nine 5-8 year-olds this afternoon (Advil and wine are ready) and have yourself a wonderful weekend! Stay warm 🙂

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