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5 for Friday: Random Faves this Week

5 for Friday: Random Faves this Week

October 10, 2014

This week came and went in a bit of a blur and I’m pretty darn happy that the weekend is here! Brad’s been away for the past week and a half (his company took a month-long contract job in Northern Manitoba…brrr!) so I’ve been juggling kids/work/home on my lonesome. Overall,  I think we’re getting into the swing of things here on the home front (knock on wood) but there’s definitely no rest for the weary when it comes to single-parenting, phew! I have a whole new respect for those of you who do this full time…you’re all superstars! I’ll be getting a little break from the kiddos this weekend (thank goodness for grandparents!) to attend a wedding and then we’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving on Sunday. I’m already counting down to my mom’s turkey dinner, do you have any big plans? Here are some recent favourites for you to check out while you’re watching the clock until happy hour:

1.  While I love the look of our current workshop bench-turned-dining table, I must admit that its not the most comfortable to enjoy a lengthy meal at. Although Brad cut the legs down, it has drawers on both sides so it’s still just a bit too high for dining and I’ve been looking for a long harvest table instead. I love this one by Vancouver-based Union Wood Company…it’s still rustic but the legs give it a more modern feel:

Porter table by Union Wood Co.Porter table by Union Wood Company

2. Pretty sure I need to recreate this word art in my kitchen or dining room somewhere…it could very well be my life’s motto after all 😉 Oh, and those brass pendants lights are pretty awesome too:

Oslo Restaurant | Borja Garcia StudioOslo Restaurant | Borja Garcia Studio

3. I bought this card for myself from my shop a couple of months ago and keep it on my counter as a daily reminder to just breathe through the stormy days:

1Canoe2 (also available at Spruce Collective)Calmer Seas card by 1Canoe2 (also available at Spruce Collective)

4. One of my favourite parts about my job is sourcing out new products to carry in our store. Slade Goods recently contacted us about their handmade ceramic earrings and I loved them right away! Happy to say that they’ll be in stock at Spruce Collective very soon:

Geometric ceramic stud earrings by Slade GoodsGeometric ceramic stud earrings by Slade Goods

5. Anchors away! I think I’d bake sugar cookies all the time if I had cookie cutters like these ones from Printemeer…there are far too many great designs to choose just one!

Anchor cookie cutter by PrintmeneerPrintemeer

That’s a wrap for me this week! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends 🙂

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