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Category: Sponsored Post

New Glasses from Firmoo

September 21, 2012

It’s Friday! How was your week? Mine was busy, juggling family and the store, but I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon! I’ve always admired working moms and have jumped into this new “normal” without much forethought. I feel like I’m winging it in a lot of areas these days and I really need to get organized with planning ahead for meals, etc. My house is finally somewhat clean and tidy but I suppose I should get regular cleaning days on the new routine too! Do you work outside of the home? Have kids? A husband? A dog? Any life balancing tips will be gratefully accepted! It will take a bit of time for us all to adjust to my days at work but I think we’re on the right track and I am so thrilled to be living my dream as a store owner. Someone who has been a big supporter, helping this dream come true, is my dad and today is his birthday…Happy Birthday Dad!!!

Secret Holiday & Co.

Rachel and I have always hesitated accepting items in exchange for product reviews but this one from Firmoo was too good to pass up and I’d love to share it with all of you! The online eyeglasses store, Firmoo, contacted me with an offer of free prescription glasses in exchange for an honest review. I was a little skeptical until I looked through their site and saw the wide range of stylish glasses at incredible prices…we’re talking really affordable, like $8-$40 per pair! I’ve been putting off getting new specs for years, despite the fact that mine were really old and had been bent beyond repair, due to the looming cost of a new pair so this offer came at perfect timing. My new glasses arrived within 2 weeks of sending Firmoo my prescription and I was really impressed by the high quality of the frames and the fit…I didn’t even need to get them adjusted!

But the free pair aren’t just for me to enjoy…Firmoo recently launched a program offering free eyewear to first-time buyers in order to make more people try Firmoo?s quality products & excellent service. Want to have a try? Just go to http://www.firmoo.com/free-glasses.html to get your FREE pair! Yes, that’s right, FREE GLASSES!

And, hello! Here I am in my new specs! They are a little bit bigger than I pictured but are super comfortable and give my eyes a much needed break from my contact lenses. Wondering which pair I chose? With free glasses on the line, I really splurged and picked this $8 pair in Tortoise. Firmoo paid the shipping for me this time but even at regular price with shipping costs, the expense would add up to far less than what I would normally spend on a new pair.

Today I Love This

So, what do you have planned for the weekend? We’re enjoying some glorious fall sunshine here and it looks like there’s more in the forecast for the next few days. Brad lucked out with a four day weekend so I’m hoping to tie some quality family time in between a good garage sale or two! We’ve been steady in the shop all week so I’ve got even more of an incentive/excuse to keep shopping. Have a great weekend 🙂




Sponsored Post: Fashion for Home

August 15, 2012

Brad and I are finishing up our beach time with the kids and friends in Birch Bay right now but I thought this would be the perfect time to introduce you all to a new company with our first sponsored post. Rachel and I have hesitated featuring any sponsored products until this point but we hope that you’ll agree with our thought that Fashion for Home would be a great fit with our readers. Although they are based in the UK, they do have an American eshop (with free shipping in the US!) and customers can buy direct from the manufacturer, keeping price tags very affordable. The main challenge with decorating on a budget is always finding well designed pieces that are built to last. Fashion for Home’s key concept is to build made-to-order pieces (this skips costs associated with storage) sustainably and to fit every budget. I love finding companies who are thinking outside the box and making good design available to everyone! But not just good on paper, their furniture is what really caught my eye so come take a peek at a few of my favourite looks from Fashion for Home….




I’ve fallen pretty hard for the Grand Sofa in the last picture and can picture curling up in it as we speak! With plenty of modern and more traditional designs to choose from (and some great nods to Mid-century classics too) , I really like how versatile Fashion for Home is for all decorating styles. Any pieces that caught your eye? And how is your week going so far? Hopefully you’re soaking up some sunshine like we are! The Spruce girls and I pick up the keys for our new shop tonight and I cannot wait to get inside and start planning the layout, etc. I have a feeling the next few weeks are going to get very busy! With Rachel on a break, I likely won’t be blogging every day and it might take me some time to get settled into the new routine…please be patient with me 🙂



*Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Fashion for Home. Birch + Bird will only feature sponsored posts from shops/products/services that we would share with you all anyway. Anything we feature will always be because we truly enjoy the way it looks and we will always disclose when we have been paid for a feature. This is our first sponsored post.