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Category: Seasonal Decor

Bright Spaces for a Bleak Monday

February 25, 2013

Despite my positive thoughts to encourage warm Spring sunshine to stick around, the weather has been pretty manic lately. Pouring rain, beaming sunshine and even a random hail shower all made regular appearances over the weekend. Needless to say, it’s hard to know how to dress each morning! I know that it’s still February for a few more days but I wonder if March is getting a head start…In like a lion, out like a lamb, as the saying goes. Hopefully that means milder temperatures will get a head start too! In the meantime, here are a few more bright spaces to cheer us all up on this soggy Monday morning…

Country Living

Lovely Life

Pencil Box

West Elm

Wood & Wool Stool via SF Girl by Bay

A Beautiful Mess

The Design Files

I’ve got a busy week ahead, how about you? We’ve had an exceptionally busy start to the year at Spruce Collective and I don’t feel like I’ve had many moments to catch up. Definitely not a bad thing but I’m hoping to settle into somewhat of a routine at some point soon. It’s hard to believe that we’ve already been open for 6 months! I’ll be sure to share some pics of what we’ve been up to at the shop with you soon. Have a great start to the week!

A Weekend at Spruce Collective

November 13, 2012

Hello there! It feels like I’ve been away forever, I suppose since I was offline for most of the weekend, but I’m back and feeling very refreshed and ready for the week ahead. How was your long weekend? We headed off to Science World on Saturday with Brad’s side of the family for some early-Christmas fun. on On Boxing Day, his brother’s family is making the journey from Kelowna to Australia for a one-year teaching exchange…how cool is that? We’ll miss them and their kids over the next year but are so excited to hear about their adventures Down Under! So instead of rushing around and getting presents organized early, we all decided to go spend the day together instead…memories are so much more meaningful, aren’t they? While I was out and about, things were bustling at the shop during our first drop-in class of the season. Thanks to all who joined us and we’ll definitely be doing more so stay tuned for more classes this month!

I promised you some more pictures of the shop decked out for Christmas so here are a few that I took on Friday, with more to come…

I missed a visit from some blogging friends on Saturday but am so happy that this vintage Canadian Pacific Hotel blanket found a lovely new home

Tracey Ayton Photography

Yesterday, we were closed in honour of Remembrance Day but that didn’t slow us down. We were busy moving Trove Vintage Rentals into our newly rented basement, after having new mugshots taken of each piece by Level6 Images. I don’t know if Cristal knew what she’d signed herself up for but let’s just say the U-Haul was packed to the gills! Many hands make for light work but it was a full day and I think we’ll all be a little sore tomorrow. How was your weekend? Have you started your holiday shopping yet? I’m feeling pretty far behind on that but thankfully we’ve decided to keep things simple this year. Have a great Tuesday 🙂




Creative Holiday Wrapping + Gift Tags

December 22, 2011

Only three more sleeps ’til Christmas! My shopping is finally done and now I can get on with the fun business of wrapping, wrapping and more wrapping! I still haven’t sent out Christmas cards and am debating between a festive email with lots of photos of the kids from over the fall and winter (although it somehow seems so impersonal) or just sending out Happy New Year’s cards with a couple of recent photos inside. An email will definitely be easier than the written word…what do you think? Is a newsletter totally tacky? Or can I get away with it for just this year? We did just get our family photos taken with my parents, sister and brother-in-law last weekend so I’ve now got some more great photo options now, thanks to Jayme Lang…I’m wearing the purple coat, in case you’re wondering!

Speaking of wrapping, if you’re looking for easy yet creative packaging ideas and printable gift tags, look no further! Here are a few of my top picks for the season, most of which only require tidbits from around your home and a little bit of time and extra care…

Sass & Peril

Love vs. Design

Heather Bullard

Creature Comforts

Scout’s Honor Co.

I came across this amazing vintage portrait wrapping idea from Martha Stewart’s Craft Department last week and I am so in love with the results! Wouldn’t it be perfect for a birthday or bridal shower as well? Or picture vintage children and infants for a baby shower…so sweet!

Martha Stewart: The Crafts Dept.

Better Homes & Gardens

Please to Meet via Copy Strands

Man Made


Lowes Creative Ideas

Gatherings via Decor8

Mini Eco Co. UK

Ikea Home via Mia Linnman

There are so many wrapping options, many of which you can find from around your own home. Kraft paper, book pages, fabric scraps and children’s drawings are some of my favourites and it’s nice to use recyclable options. I love Heather Bullard‘s evergreen embellishments and think I’ll definitely be borrowing that idea in the days to come! Rachel will be posting our last holiday post tomorrow and then we’ll be taking all next week off to spend with our families and friends so you won’t hear from me for a bit. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas filled with loved ones and we’ll see you in the bright and shiny New Year…Cheers!